Stranger danger in the form of a yellow sweater

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His life started to go downhill from the moment he was born Techno thinks.

I mean, who else leaves his well-paying teacher job and his master's in linguistics just to pursue a dream, who else but Technoblade? He thinks about going back to the city sometimes, maybe calling Squid to help him land a job at a small and boring office cubicle like the rest just so he doesn't have to deal with... whatever is currently happening right now.

It's been exactly two weeks and four days since the man in green robes, now known as the infamous villain Crow Father, has become one of his regulars. The man just uses his powers to get into his shop and he demands the same drink Techno recommended to him weeks ago on the first night he interrupted Techno's crazy midnight cookie-baking spree.

And now he has to deal with a night shift, Crow Father always comes in during his closing time and stays there for about an hour, and leaves, so Techno sleeps at one a.m. now... not that he used to sleep early before but dealing with the old villain angrily munching on his hero cookies is enough to make Techno tired.

The small social interaction with his new regular is enough to stress him out so much that he gets tired.

He might even say that he doesn't mind being alone on the night shift (said night shift being recently created because of a very... special client). Usually, this shift was nice and slow, Technoblade currently has three shifts available, morning, noon, and night.

He has nothing else to do, so he might as well use his insomnia and anxiety to his advantage and work while he can. He has gotten a few college students and office workers to stop by to order dinner and he's never been this grateful for the disgusting schedules their government gives them. He's not always alone with Mr. Villain over here thanks to those poor souls who are roaming the streets this late because of the work they have to do.

And he has to admit it, the night shift is the nicest shift he has.

Hungry and tired people mean they won't try to talk to him and they'll be more likely to go directly to their house instead of sitting and eating at this shop. This is why he enjoys the night shift, such a nice and relaxed atmosphere even with Crow father chilling at one of his tables, things have been peaceful again... until the strange man with a yellow sweater started coming here.

Technoblade is used to the strange old man in a bucket hat staying in his shop from the start of the night shift closing time, he might even tolerate the company of the older man, as he makes small talk enjoyable even if it's mostly one-sided, eats the hero cookies with hate, and then he goes home. Enjoying the company of a villain wasn't in Techno's plans but here he is, at least he's sure the older man won't try to kill him if he messes up his order.

But recently... when the older blond man leaves, another presence makes itself known. A masked stranger with a yellow sweater and a long dark brown trench coat comes in.

Curly brown hair with a white streak, a fox-themed mask that only covers half of his face, accompanied by two brown fox ears, and an unusually really large smile for someone being outside their home in a coffee shop at midnight. The strange fox man always orders a medium-sized, black coffee cup with no sugar or cream, sits down, and drinks it slowly.

The soulless dark eyes of the mask never leave Techno, not even when he's busy cleaning or listening to the radio while counting the money and doing inventory, the man always comes just when closing time is approaching, exactly one minute left before he closes his coffee shop for real, and stays there for about twenty minutes and leaves.

He always comes to his shop after the regular bucket hat man leaves, and he stays there with him in awkward silence, with no conversation or even words other than his order and a small 'thank you' to Techno when he gives him the cup of black coffee, it's been the same routine for about five days in a row, the week of this villain becoming a regular is too close for Techno's comfort.

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