Comincia dall'inizio

Maeve took a pair out of Tee hands. The creative girl had cut out feet-shaped cutouts from the carpet for people to wear on there feet. Maeve wasn't going to lie, she thought they were ugly.

"We worked out the savings." Gus begins, "Saving electricity, saving heating. And adding the savings to the money Liam got from the house clearance man, we're each going to cost £29.86 a week less. That matches the Burnywood prices."

Cheers were heard from around the room coming from all the children. The adults, Maeve, and Sapphire, who had just joined the conversation, we're not cheering.

As the cheering dialled down, Mike begins to talk, apprehensively, "Right, we can see how hard you've all worked. But, there isn't a council in the country that would let us run a home like this." He takes a pause, looking at the disappointment on the children's faces, "I'm really sorry guys, but you're going to have to buy the whole lot back."

The room fall silent and Liam shakes his head before shoving his way through the doorway.

"I told you it was a waste of time." Sapphire says to him, lightly.

He pauses before looking down towards the girl. "Yeah, well let's remind Harry how much you helped when they cart him off to Burnywood." He shakes his head again before fully leaving.

It wasn't long before the house was almost back to normal. Most of the stuff had been bought back and placed where it originally came from. Luckily for Maeve this wasn't much work as she didn't put a single thing into one of the black bin bags Liam had given her.

Tracy walks into Liams room to see him and Frank placing a mattress back on its frame. "Right, who's ready to go to war?" She asks.

"Plan B?" Liam asks in return, moving the mattress slightly with his hand.

Tracy smiles, "You bet! Did they really think they'd get away with dragging us out of our own home?" She takes a pause as Sapphire comes round the corner with Harry on her back. "We're going to tell the world what is going on. They won't know what's hit them."

Liam nods, "I'm in." Frank agrees, as well.

"Me too." Sapphire smiles.

Liam looks at her, glancing at Harry on her back. "Thought you didn't wanna know?"

The older girl looks back at the child on her back. "Well, we've got nothing else on."

Tracy smiles. "We need everyone involved, especially those not afraid to share their opinions. We've got to let the people know what it's like in our position."

Liam rolls his eyes slightly, "Better recruit East then, she could talk her opinions for days and days."

"You're just mad she called you out for your football technique." Sapphire laughs.

Maeve did in fact do that. Last summer she had seen him running towards the ball and kicking in, nearly tumbling in the process. She began to notice it every-time he went for it. Not that she was looking or anything. She corrected his technique to which she got a "Shut up." in response. She didn't fail to notice how he actually took her advice though.

"Whatever." Liam says as he throws his pillow towards Sapphire.

Plan B was undergo. Tracy was writing her article, Gus and Liam were phone calls to whoever they could, Johnny and Harry were stood out front getting the petition signed, and Tracy, Sapphire, and Maeve were tying the banner that traveled the length of the house.

𝐌𝐀𝐄𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 | The dumping ground (liam)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora