Pansy's Perfect Plan

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It was now the evening and the students had arrived at Hogwarts Castle. Jonah was sitting at the Gryffindor table scowling because house points had already been taken for his little scuffle on the train with Malfoy. This was just great for him; he was now even more unpopular among his peers. He watched as the little eleven year olds were sorted into their houses. That was him four years ago. He remembered it like it was yesterday, the hat had him on that stool for years practicing debating between sending him to Gryfinddor or Slytherin. Many would have argued he'd be a good fit in Slytherin for his ambitions but his recklessness clearly won out of the two.

Jonah had friends, sure, but they were in other houses. Mostly Hufflepuffs, but after the incident with 'her' they didn't talk to him as much. Curse Hufflepuff's and their loyalty.

Jonah thought about his conversation with Potter and his friends on the train. They were a levelheaded bunch. Granger was a bit intense but it wasn't anything he couldn't handle, because he was that way as well. Jonah didn't mean to get too into astrology but that was just the sagittarius in him.

Soon the sorting ceremony finished and they were introduced to a new professor. 'Oh good Lord' Jonah thought to himself. She seemed like she'd give him a massive headache this year.

Jonah was beginning to wonder how other people thought of him. He wasn't particularly self conscious, quite the opposite actually. Jonah thought very highly of himself that was one of his major flaws. He was wondering in a sense of how much does everyone hate him. He knows most Gryffindors are neutral to the break up. He knows the Hufflepuffs hate him and the Slytherin and Ravenclaws don't give a shit.

He eyed Hannah from across the table. She looked so happy without him. Her long blonde hair and her pretty brown eyes. How he missed her. Jonah was genuinely sorry for how he treated her. He had been an asshole. Abandoning her on the night of Yule Ball.

As Jonah observed his ex he vowed he'd right his wrong and show her he was the kind of guy she should forgive. He needed to show he had improved and shown growth. The hiccup that was the train fight wouldn't stop him. It was just a small setback. This year he'd show Hannah the new Jonah Lawrence.

"Jonah, have you seen the state of Malfoy's nose." Ron said gesturing toward the Slytherin table across the room. It was Malfoy with a bandage on his nose. Jonah lightly chuckled. He looked next to Draco and saw the girl from earlier, Pansy Parkinson. She was notorious for being a part of Draco Malfoy's entourage. She was also known for being exceptionally good looking. She sported black hair in bob, she had nice brown eyes and she was fairly tall. Jonah thought she looked like a model you'd see on muggle runways. He really liked that about her as he was a huge fashion nerd.

Pansy had caught Jonah staring at her from across the great hall. You could practically see his eyes from a mile away. They were a pale green and made the rest of his features pop. Pansy had heard about what had happened with Abbott and Jonah. Something about Jonah being a bad boyfriend and a heartbreaker. Pansy then had an idea. His reputation around the girls of the school was at an all time low. She had had a crush on Draco Malfoy for forever. His platinum blonde hair and his pretty eyes. Pansy truly thought she loved him. Jonah was an opportunity to make Draco jealous and to make him see her for how amazing she was. Jonah could win back Hannah, it was a win-win situation in her eyes. She decided she'd find Jonah Tomorrow to tell him about this.

But then she thought, why choose Jonah why not another boy? Tons of guys at Hogwarts had ex's they wanted to make jealous. Well those were just random guys Pansy thought. Pansy wasn't blind Jonah Lawrence was drop dead gorgeous. He was crushed on by lots of girls. His perfect curls and his tanned skin were what drew lots of people in. He also had a magnetic personality, he was very funny to a lot of people and that made his case that much better. She concluded that if Draco saw her with one of the most sought after boys of their year- no out of the entire school, he'd be jealous and try to steal her from Jonah. Yes it was a perfect plan.

Jonah laid awake in his bed in the Gryfinndor boys dormitory. Before bed he had brought his record player out to play his roommates some music. My Sweet Lord by George Harrison was a favorite amongst the boys that night. They begged him to play it over and over again. Jonah never thought he'd think this but he was getting tired of the song. Jonah laughed in his head as he drifted off to sleep ready to see what tomorrow had in store.

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