New Year New Me!

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Jonah lay awake as he anticipated the start of school tomorrow. He had trouble sleeping every night but tonight it was worse. He groaned and rolled around in their bed. He began to glance around his room. He had a desk in the corner of his bedroom. Posters of muggle bands all across his walls. He could barely see them at the moment due to the lack of light. He sighed and rolled over to his other side to face the wall.

Jonah awoke the next morning rubbing his eyes and groaning. " Let's go Jonah we have a train to catch." His father said while popping his head into his room. Jonah rubbed his eyes once more and moved to walk to his bathroom. Jonah hopped into the shower and began to clean himself. Jonah's mother was a Muggleborn witch and his father a pureblood. His father had attended Hogwarts while has was rather out of the loop about his mother's education.

Four years ago he'd been sorted into Gryffindor. He quite liked it. The common room was very homey, the people knew a good time, and the girls were very pretty. He had a thing with Hannah Abbot last year but it had ended very awkwardly. He preferred not to talk about it. Jonah was broken from his thoughts when his mother called him. "Jonah hurry up and eat, you don't have much more time." Jonah nodded to his mother he quickly finished up the eggs he was eating and checked his watch. '10:30' He really needed to get better at time management. He stood up from his seat and ran upstairs to get the last of his things together.

"Kings Cross Station!" Jonah, his Mom, and his Dad said all the same time. They were using the floo network to get to the station this time around.

Jonah opened his eyes and he was at the station. "Alright, we don't have much time." His father said as he began to speed walk in the direction of the platform.

Jonah's father, Marc David Lawrence has attended Hogwarts in 1964, he left quite a legacy. His father was sorted in Ravenclaw and was made a perfect and then managed to become the captain of the Ravenclaw quidditch team. His father had a great reputation among the staff at Hogwarts. Especially dumbledore, who adores the man. Jonah felt that he was in his father's shadow.

All he had accomplished was some decent grades, a spot on the Gryffindor quidditch team as a reserve chaser, and around 40 detentions. Jonah was a bit of a troublemaker. People say he's always finding trouble but as he always says the trouble finds him. In the past four years, he had managed to make himself well-liked among his housemates. As for around the entire school he was the guy who dated Hannah Abbott and broke her heart. He's not exactly popular at the moment.

Jonah wasn't even going to try to defend himself because he knew exactly what he'd done. But this year he'd work on righting the wrongs of the past. He was younger than more immature. He didn't know what he wanted. Fifth Year would be a fresh start in his eyes no more detentions, no crying girls, no more fighting. Just growth and learning all year.

Jonah walked through the brick wall to make it onto platform Nine and Three Quarters. The Red steam engine looked just as stunning every year. He started to think about what seat he wanted. Hopefully, the far end of the train was open this year. It's where he usually sat. He couldn't bring his walkman with him because magic interferes with technology. So was stuck with himself this year. He ran his hand through his curls, pushing them out of his vision as he moved to say goodbye to his parents.

" Jonah make sure you remember to write us ok?" "Yes, you don't want to worry your mom." Jonah playfully rolled his eyes and said, " I'll make sure to write you when I get the chance." Both his parents pulled him into a bear hug and tried to get out of it. Jonah finished saying his goodbyes to his parents before his mom yelled, " Make sure you are brushing your teeth every night!" He quickly turned around with a mortified face gesturing for his mom to cut it out as his parents laughed manically. He turned around smiling. This would an interesting year.

Let Me Love You | Pansy Parkinson x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora