Again 2

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Jimin looks at his sister who is busy studying her mission. Her recent mission. After Taehyung dead she turns into a workaholic. She keeps accepting the task, finishing it, and repeating it. Jimin doesn't even remember when is the last time Soyoung smiled. After that day his sister totally changes. She is not the stubborn as the previous time even though she turns an obedient girl but she never is the old her again. Not just that, she even moves to the Taehyung office and lets everything inside the office remain

"sister!! I'll bring your lunch" Jimin slowly open the door, even though he knows that her sister wouldn't be mad but still he needs to make sure that she is okay.

"Thank you oppa" Sooyoung raspy voice successfully catch Jimin's attention. He quickly approaches Sooyoung who is still focusing on the monitor. He even put his hand on Sooyoung's forehead to check her body and yup she is burning

"Yak!! you are burning. We need to go to the health center first" Jimin pull Sooyoung's chair but Sooyoug refuse to move

"Oppa, I'll get better after I get my sleep so don't worry. Besides, I still have tons of jobs to do" Sooyoung pointed at the file on the table.

"Oh, God... Taehyung please give me some strength" Jimin mumbled before deciding to carry Sooyoung. Sooyoung seems a bit shocked at first and makes her link her hands to Jimin's neck.

"I bet Taehyung will do the same if he's here because your health is his priority and I'll do the same as him" Sooyoung can hear Jimin's words clearly and she feels safe. Her brother's warm body makes her want to sleep and she feels safe.

"Oppa, I'm sleepy" Sooyoung mumbles but Jimin can't hear her because he is busy running to the health center with Sooyoung in his arms.

"Please! She needs help!" Jimin's voice successfully catches the doctors' and nurses' attention in the blink of his eyes. They start to check Sooyoung's condition. Jimin never sees Sooyoung like this. Her pale face makes him scared to death.

"Taehyung please..."

"Taehyung please don't take my sister with you yet" Jimin mumbles silently. Hoping that his best friend is here.

'Code Black!'

'Code Black!'

Jimin freeze.

He is very sure that only both of them are the black code agents so who is the alarm referring too

"Sooyoung!!" Jimin quickly opens the curtains and he is shocked.

Because the nurse just finished inserting the infusion into his sister's hand

"She's fine. So you don't need to worry about her. She just lacks rest and nutrition, and after a few days, she will be better again" The doctor's explanation makes Jimin feel better until his head suddenly remembers the code black alarm.

"If my sister is not in critical condition then the alarm refers to who?" Jimin asks the doctor and nurses who seem clueless too

"INCOMING!!!!" The medical assistant's voice catches their attention including Jimin's.

He cannot believe what he sees on the stretcher.

"Taehyung..." Quickly Jimin follows the medical assistant who is pushing the stretcher to the operation room.

He can see clearly that the person is Taehyung. He seems like he is in a coma and receiving treatment for a long time.

"What is his name?" Jimin asked the medical assistant who will follow the others inside

"Kim Taehyung, black code agent" The answer is simple and short but almost makes Jimin lose his balance

He wipes his tears and quickly runs to the health center back. He needs to inform Sooyoung, Sooyoung will be extremely happy when she knows about this. Knowing the fact that her lover is alive.

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