Dictionary for Names, Facts, Places, Spellings

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Considering that this project is getting bigger than I planned and includes two languages and a post-apocalyptic world that differs from the modern one, I have decided this may be useful.

Here you can find background information on places and the political system, information on different groups of people, and look up the different spellings of names in English vs in Trig. I'll likely keep adding to it as I go.

Comments welcome, let me know if there is anything you'd like to see added or anything you don't understand.

FYI: Parts of dialogue in this work are written in Trigedasleng (see below), I will translate whatever the character whose PoV the chapter is in understands. If the character does not understand what is being said to them, neither will you. Except for when I deem it important/interesting, then I'll translate either way. Or if you ask. 

Currently Updated to the status of information of: Chapter 57.

(includes all info up to that point in the story, anything that happens after this has not yet been included)


This is set a little further in the future than the show, but the backstory is largely similar. There was a nuclear third world war that destroyed the world as we know it, and in the aftermath, radiation swallowed the Earth. Lots of people died. Some people survived in space, on a space station called "The Ark", some underground, in a bunker called "Mount Weather", and some managed to get back onto the ground, the "Grounders".

Since this time, the Ark has long come down and formed the 13th Unit along with Mount Weather (see below) that has long fallen and remains as an empty bunker below the mountain. The descendants of these two have formed Civilians (Skaikru) (see below), their ancestors did not survive radiation above ground, and their lines do not include Nightblood (see below). Their main language is English.

The descendants of the Grounders have since organised themselves into the Military. The Military is divided into different Units (see below) and owns the majority of the land. They established the political leadership structures and speak their own language, Trigedasleng, in addition to teaching their warriors English.

Tensions remain high between Military and Civilians because their cultures differ (see below).


The Coalition: (Kongeda)

The Coalition encompasses 13 Clans/Units (in between, only 12 Clans because Skaikru renounced their status as a member).

It spans from the Atlantic Coast (right side on the map) of what used to be the United States to roughly the left border of Kansas (pretty much in the middle of the US), from the Gulf of Florida (bottom end of the right side of the US) up into the lower right side of Canada. Rule of thumb, the right half of the US and the lower right parts of Canada are the Coalition.

The Coalition was founded by Becca Franko (see below) and is headed by the Commander (see below).

Everyone outside the Coalition is referred to as "rebels" in English, and "splita" in Trigedasleng.

Outside the Coalition: The Rebels (Splita/Raiza)

Not much is known about the lands outside the Coalition, except that there are people there who don't agree with the borders of the Coalition. The Coalition and the Rebels are at constant war, think civil war over rights to land and resources. 

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