Love's Debut

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Summary: In an actor AU, Loki Laufeyson is a world-famous actor; and you, his humble assistant. What happens when years of unreleased feelings rise to the surface...during the middle of his movie's première.

Pairing: Actor!Loki x Assistant!Reader

Warning(s): Kinda fluffy, kinda angsty, large crowds, declarations of love, Loki is definitely OOC (but it's my AU, so deal with it 😊)

Note: italics is a flashback


Loki Laufeyson was at the height of his career as a world-famous actor. He had starred in countless blockbuster hits, had legions of adoring fans, and was constantly on the go. It was no surprise that he was in need of an assistant to keep his life organised.

That's where you came in.

"Excuse me, Mr. Laufeyson?"

He looked up from his desk to see a woman standing in his doorway. It was safe to say that he was entirely gobsmacked. There she stood in a lilac blouse and a black skirt, her h/c hair sitting in a tight bun on the side of her head.

"I'm sorry to bother you," she said, her voice slightly hesitant. "I'm your new assistant."

He smiled warmly at her, feeling a sense of relief wash over him as her honeyed voice clouded his senses. He had been without an assistant for weeks, and the workload was continuing to pile up.

"Of course, please, come in." He said, gesturing to the empty chair in front of his desk.

She sat down, pulling a notebook out of her bag.

"My name is Y/n, as I'm sure you read in the email," she said, introducing herself. "I'm so excited to be working with you."

"I'm glad to have you on board," he said, smiling at her. "Is there anything that you require from me at the moment?"

Y/n shook her head, her eyes bright.

"No, I'm all set. I've read up on your current projects and I've got everything organised."

He raised an eyebrow, impressed.

"That's quite efficient," he said, feeling a weight being lifted from his shoulders. "I'm glad to hear it."

For the next few weeks, Y/n proved herself to be an invaluable asset. She was organised, efficient, and always one step ahead of him. But as he spent more time with her, he couldn't help but feel that there was something more there--a connection that went beyond just professional admiration.

Ever since the beginning you had kept him grounded. When we was stressed out over a tight schedule for a particular film, you were there waiting for him with a cup of tea and soothing words. When he was freaking out over forgetting to buy his brother's birthday gift, you surprised with him with a present of his own--the item that he was looking to get Thor.

And as the weeks turned to months which turned into years, that feeling of admiration never left him. They continued to grow as every day flew by.

It wasn't until the night of his latest movie premiere, as he stood on the red carpet with you by his side, that he realised what it was.

So Loki turned to face you, his eyes filled with emotion, "I can't do this," he whispered. "I can't pretend anymore."

He saw you look at him with confusion, "What do you mean?"

"I mean this," he said, taking your hand in his. "I mean us. I've been in love with you for years now, and I can't keep it inside any longer."

As quickly as Loki declared those words, he pulled away from you. The realisation of what he had just done hitting him like a 3am wake-up call.

"I'm sorry," his voice barely a whisper. "I- I shouldn't have said anything. I just... I had to tell you."

And with that, he turned and walked away; leaving the woman he loved in the middle of the red carpet, with cameras flashing all around her.


He didn't return to the theatre, nor did he make an appearance at the after party. He was disappointed with himself; declaring his feeling for you in the middle of a public event was not the right way to approach this.

So there he was, sitting on his couch, a glass of whiskey in hand; trying to drink his sorrows away.

And then someone knocked at the door.

Reluctantly, he made his way to the door and opened it, only to be greeted by you.

You had a frown on your face, and your eyes were red-rimmed. This is it, he thought, she's here to give in her two weeks notice.

"I'm sorry," he said, refusing to look at her any longer. "I shouldn't have said anything."

He heard her heels clink on the wooden floorboards as she made her way closer.

"You don't have to apologise for anything, Loki."

His red eyes shifted to look at her, "I've ruined everything. I've made everything awkward, you're here to give me your two weeks notice. What don't I have to apologise for?"

As he turned away, he felt her grab his hand, "There's nothing to apologise for, because I feel the same way."

His head shot up, his eyes wide.

"You what?"

"I've been in love with you for years," you said, a smile gracing your features. "I just never brought it up because there was no way that you felt the same way about me."

He cupped the side of her face, "But I do, Y/n. I love you more than anything this life has to offer."

And with that, all the years of unreleased feelings rose to the surface in the form of a passionate kiss.

It was a moment that the two of you would never forget; a moment that would changes your lives forever. 


This has been in my drafts since October

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This has been in my drafts since October...

- Ella 🐍 

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