The Price of Deception

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Part 2


You take a deep breath and steel yourself for what's to come as you approach Loki's cell. The sound of your daughter's laughter and son's coos fading as you step into the dimly lit room, the glass door of the cell separating you and your husband from your family.

Loki looks up at you with a mixture of surprise and guardedness as you approach. "My love," he says, his voice cautious. "What brings you here?"

Your heart aches as you look at him, the father of your children, the man you once loved with all your heart. But now, after what he's done, you're not so sure anymore.

"You know what brings me here," you say, your voice trembling with emotion.

"Our daughter has been asking for you for months, our son doesn't even know he has a father." You spat; your anger that you had hidden in front of your children rising to the surface.

"And when I finally get some sort of idea of where you have been for the past five months, it's from your brother. He randomly shows up at my front door, demanding that the children and I make haste and come to Midgard immediately.

"And me being the naïve wife I was; I assume that some sort of harm has befallen upon you, drop everything and make my way here. Only to be greeted with the fact that my husband has tried to take over an entire realm!"

The room falls into silence for a few moments; you too angry at Loki to even fathom speaking to him, and Loki--hopefully--thinking about the repercussions his actions have caused.

Loki looks down at his feet, a pained expression crossing his features. "I- I can't fathom the pain that I have put both you and our children though," he says softly. "And I surely know that I don't deserve their forgiveness or your love."

Your anger flares up again at his words. "No, Loki, you don't," you say, your voice rising. "How could you do this to us? To our family?"

Loki looks up at you, his eyes full of remorse. "I was lost, my love," he says, desperation in his voice. "I didn't know who I was or what I wanted. But I know now. And I swear to you, I will do everything in my power to make it right."

Tears begin to well up in your eyes, "Didn't know what you wanted? Were we not enough for the god of mischief? Were we not what you wanted?"

His eyes widened, "Norns, no, my love. You and the children were the only thing that kept me going. I needed to create a better life for the three of you. A life where you wouldn't be considered the wife of a monster--one where you would be the wife of a king."

A tear slipped down your cheek, "But that's not what I wanted. Not what we wanted. I just wanted my husband; the children just wanted their father."

"I realise that now, my love; and I want to make it right. Please--and I know I don't deserve this--but please let me see the children?"

You hesitate for a moment, your heart fighting a valiant battle with your head. But then you remember your children, and they way that Freya had been begging for her father, and how Magnus always seemed to calm down when you told him tales of Loki during his youth.

You know that you can't deprive them of this opportunity.

"I'll let them see you," you say, your voice softening. "But you have a lot of work to do if you want to earn back our- my trust, Loki."

Loki nods, a determined look in his eyes. "I understand," he says. "I will do whatever it takes to earn it back."

As you turn to leave, you hear Loki's voice calling out to you. "I love you," he says, his voice filled with raw emotion.

Your heart aches at his words, but you know it will take more than words to heal the wounds he's inflicted. For now, you focus on your children, and the difficult road ahead of you all as a family.


First week back at Uni and I'm already done with it

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First week back at Uni and I'm already done with it.

Good thing I have Tom/Loki to help me smile through the pain 😔 

- Ella 🐍 

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