Flamberge: Well if it isn't the luckiest man in all of Popstar!

Y/N: So he told you too then.. W-What are you doing here, I thought you liked hot places.

Flamberge: I mean a break every now and then would be nice, besides how could I turn down all this? Just look at this place!

Y/N: Y-You like it too? I come here to relax whenever I need to. Just a place of comfort to me.

Flamberge: Popstar's got plenty of those but I can see why this one's your favorite! You knoooow, sweet Francisca would absolutely LOVE a place like this, you gotta take her here!!

Y/N: T-Take her down here? I-I don't know, I'm very nervous about showing here a place I like... w-what if she doesn't like it, and.. think I'm weird or something...

Flamberge: Pfff, are you kidding me? She'll fall in LOVE with you if you take her here! She's getting bored of Onion Ocean and Orange Ocean is more of an occasional thing to go to. You HAVE to show her this place! If you don't, I will and it'll ruin the fun for a first visit! A great opportunity, just saying!

I REALLY wanna take her here now but I was so nervous. It's ok though, I've done this before, I can do it again. Just tell her the exact same things you said the first time but instead with Reef Resort.

Y/N: O-Ok I'll do it.. but you better not watch me or anything! I hate how embarrassed I can easily get...

Flamberge: I'll steer clear from here, pinky promise! I'll even make sure Kirby's out of your hair for this one!

Y/N: R-Really? Oh thank you Flamberge!

Flamberge: Just me doing what I can to help out my friends in need! You don't always get another shot at something like this after all.

Y/N: Right. I-I'll go get Francisca right away. Hopefully she's not busy.

Flamberge: Oh, she's in Cappy Town bored out of her mind, trying to find Something to do. You'll convince her to come in a heartbeat.

Y/N: O-oh, ok. Thank you again Flamberge.

Flamberge: No problem, Y/N!

We both hug before she leaves the resort. I stay behind a little longer to collect my thoughts and think about how I should ask Francisca to come here with me. I suppose it'll be another date. Yeah, it'll be just that, theres no need to over complicate this I thought.

I eventually made up my mind and I was able to gather the courage to get up and go talk to Francisca again and ask her out. Cappy Town isn't too far from here, hopefully I can catch her before her boredom finally convinces her to leave.

To my surprise, Francisca was still there by the time I arrived, thank Nova. Now came the hard par-

Francisca: Y/N!! I didn't think I'd find you here!

Y/N: -!!

Her sweet voice that I love so dearly really threw me off. Especially since it came out of nowhere, I wasn't expecting her to see me instantly. I had to collect my thoughts quick and get ready to talk.

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