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December signified the passing of autumn and had been replaced with winter. Not the season was exciting for Hana but the month itself.

Her birthday.

She had so many memories with Juyeon on her birthday in 10 years that she could not resist anticipating what would they create together for the next year to be added to their wall of memories.

But, she was not sure about this year. After the truth was unveiled, the conflicts the two went through, along with the push and pull game took place, she could not be too sure that she would enjoy it the same as the previous years.

Twisting the knob of the door, Hana was well prepared to go to the campus. She had made sure that she was covered well underneath the thick layer of her outfit which showed how fashionable she could be despite the fact she was battling with the cold.

However, as soon as she stepped out of her room, two balloons were forcefully popped, confetti flew all over her. Not to mention, how ugly her face looked like, startled by the loud sound produced in which she'd never cared. The irregular beats of her heart were what mattered.

"Oh my god", the adrenaline rush did nothing but her sight became blurry, and the hands shaking were no help either.

"Happy birthday sis!" surprisingly she got back to normal when she was pulled into an aggressive hug from none other than Eric, the squeeze from the boy made her slightly yelp. "I have a very interesting present for you."

He jumped around, very sure that his sister probably would cry out loud upon seeing the gift but then, the glimpse of the other boy not so far from them woke him up. For he should have given the spotlight to him.

"Yes Mom, I'm coming!" Eric suddenly shouted, which Hana flinched, doubting if her hearing had gone wrong - she surely had not heard their mother call. "I'll give it to you later!"

And Eric swiftly left into the thin air.

Eventually, it was something she could not avoid. Lee Juyeon was standing tall hovering over her, with that kitty smile on his face. In his grasp was a small box he did not waste much time passing it to its new owner.

"Happy birthday Hana. I wish you all the happiness you deserve", he saw how Hana was contemplating taking the box. He felt his heart shattered by the sight unfolded yet, he did not complain.

Because he knew, whatever it was, Hana would take it.

"Thanks, I guess", she shrugged, looking at him as if she was questioning whether she could open it now. And he gladly nodded, shoving his hands into his pocket, watching her like a lovely show.

The girl might have worn a very stoic expression but deep down, she was all giddy. Her lips twitched to pull up a smile which surely was a struggle for her not to.

She nearly lost herself when the sight of a beautiful hair clip made its appearance from inside the box, the shimmering from the silver stone on it made her almost scream at its beauty.

Instead, she leaned against her closed door, staring up at the boy.

"What does this mean?"

Juyeon bit his lower lip as he scooted closer to the girl, "go to the party with me?"

Hesitancy was evident in his tone, yet Hana did not pay too much attention to it. What was playing inside her little mind was Freya's voice telling her that Juyeon would ask her to the party.

The child inside her was screaming that she wanted to, but her head and her heart were telling different things.

"I'll think about it", she shrugged, shoving the gift into her bag.

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