R:00 Break The Chain

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"My sword is a tool of justice.."

"This is what happens when you bring a tool to a sword fight.."

"So tell me: Who saves the weak from the man who saves the weak?"

"I'm saying...JACK IS BACK!!"

"Let's dance!"

"You should try to fight for what you believe in sometimes, Jack. Not for a company, or a nation, or anyone else".

Raiden wakes up after hearing faint voices. He sees nothing but white. He wakes up, then he sees himself in his old cyborg body. Curious, he stands up and starts walking.

"Is this...a Limbo?" Raiden then sees all of his actions. His memories from the past. The torture, the misery and all the suffer he brings upon himself and many others.

All the memories, all the suffering, the torture he went through as a child soldiers, makes his body numb. He then falls on his knees, screaming in pain.


Raiden felt like he was diving straight into his soul. He sees all his memories, but slowly it breaks. Raiden then wakes up in another place. Now covered in blood.

"Is this...what's inside me?"

Then suddenly, from the blood, a figure appears. He sees it. It is no one other than the demon inside him. The manifestation of all his suffering, the one that brings death to all of his enemies.

Jack..The Ripper.

"You cannot escape me

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"You cannot escape me...We..are one and the same.." Jack said, while creating a sword made out of blood.

"I know. You are me and I am you. But I never thought..all the suffering we both have gone through".

Jack then laughs. Suddenly he stabs Raiden straight at his heart. And now, Raiden finally wakes up. It was all an astral projection from his mind. Now, he sees Urizen, the Demon Lord that defeated him.

"You finally wake up". Urizen stands up, then he sees Raiden from up close. "You..are an extraordinary human being. I saw through your soul. All I found inside that body of yours...is suffering. It created a demon inside you. And I couldn't be more thrilled to make a powerful demon out of you".

Raiden then tries to break free from the Qliphoth roots that hold him. He tries to break free, giving all what he has to break out.

"YOU WILL NEVER BREAK FREE!!! It is...useless!!" Urizen shouted.

But Raiden couldn't give up. He needs to find a way to get back home and get out of this Hell. The desire inside him, amplified by all the pain he feels, suddenly activates something inside him. Jack The Ripper.

Raiden then lets out a powerful scream while at the same time bursts a powerful red aura from his body. The aura destroys the roots that holds him, and wings emerge from his body.

"Hahahahhahhaha.....NOW I'M FREE!!" Raiden laughs maniacally. He realizes that he has wings now.

"Wings huh? So you want to make me a full on Demon?" Raiden stares at Urizen coldly.

Urizen was shocked, but also impressed at the same time. He compliments Raiden, "Impressive. Very nice. My idea finally worked. Now you shall work for me, as my Death Bringer...as my Horsemen!"

"NEVER!" Raiden shouts back to Urizen. 


"I don't care if you're a Demon Lord or a Hell Lord or Shit Lord, whatever you're I'm not working for you. I'm my own man, and I fight for my own..justice!" Raiden declares with pride. 

Urizen seeing this then proceeds to punch Raiden. But Raiden evades it. Urizen then tries to strike him again but Raiden avoids it then flies passing Urizen. Seeing this Urizen summons the Qliphoth roots, trying to capture Raiden with it. But Raiden with great speed and instinct evades them all.  He then sees a blue lighted sword that resembles his old High Frequency Blade. He flies straight to the weapon and then grabs it. He sees the blue aura becoming red due to his Jack the Ripper Devil Trigger. Urizen, seeing this charges at Raiden. 

Raiden with all of his effort slashes his sword at Urizen striking him down with a powerful red  lightning-like blast. He smirks a little, then slashes the Qliphoth, breaking out from there. He then descends to the ground and deactivates his Jack The Ripper DT (Devil Trigger). 

"Well, this is one hell of an upgrade", said Raiden. He looks back at the Qliphoth, and then he  looks at the dark night in front of him. "Bring it on then, show me what you got for me", said Raiden while placing his sword in the back and begins to walk to the city. 

Raiden finally enters the abandoned city that is now filled with demons. He sees a group of demons, hungry looking for food. He sees all dead bodies of humans, who were all victims of the demon's barbary cruelty. Suddenly, a strange memory flashes before his eyes. The dead bodies...the brutality, reminds him of his days as a child soldier and all the brutality of warfare. He tries to get rid of it, but the horror, the screams of his victims, it reaches back to his mind. He closes and opens his eyes again, finally getting rid of the nightmare. 

Raiden prepares his sword, glowing with a blue like aura. The demons charged straight at him, trying to take him down. But Raiden evades it, and with great speed slashing one of the demons into pieces. The second demon jumps in, but Raiden parries it then slices it in half, leaving him dead. The remaining demons watches in fear as Raiden smiles coldly. The third demon jumps in hoping he can surprise attack him but Raiden easily evades him then get's into his back and stabs him from behind, slicing him in half. The last demon runs in fear, but Raiden jumps very high then with stabs him, putting his sword in his feet then stabs it straight at his heart. 

Raiden pulls out his sword from the demon and places it at his back. While walking pass through the dead bodies of both and demon, Raiden sees a mirror, looking at his new upgraded body.

 While walking pass through the dead bodies of both and demon, Raiden sees a mirror, looking at his new upgraded body

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"Heh, I don't look so bad after all. I got a new battle mask, some weird horn at my shoulder, and I got a stylish long coat," said Raiden. He then looks at his blue heart and touches it. It feels organic. "Is this....the heart of a devil?" Raiden gets rid of that thought, he's still a human inside. "Great. First I was a half-human half-cyborg, now I'm a half-cyborg and HALF-DEMON?! Life sure loves to play around with me". Raiden then punches the mirror, shattering it. He then walks further into the city, to find answers in this new, hellish, apocalyptic world. 

To be continued...

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