1. Signature

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There are approximately 20 floors in the main building of Coin Inc. and each floor is the hierarchy of positions. Meaning at the top floor is where all the big bosses stay.

One of them is the CEO, who has been passing himself in his office waiting for his secretary to call him into conference room number 1. In this tall wide building, there are at least 50 conference rooms, but only 1 room is reserved for the most important, powerful, and rich. This day was particularly the most important day of his career.

Because in a single meeting, he was about to determine the life of the whole company. All 500 thousand employees are weighing on his shoulder to save their jobs and his. It's not only the employees but also his whole reputation that is on the line. He could either live another day or die by everyone dragging him to the pits of hell.

"Mr. Brown she would like to see you now." His secretary finally called for him and all he did was adjust his suit and started walking. You would expect that he would be sitting in the meeting room by now, but she told him to wait for a while until she wanted to see him and all he could do was listen.

Every step he took felt like his last because he knew whatever she was about to tell him he cannot say no. That was because the corporation has no more money left and if he doesn't get this deal they would go bankrupt and he has to pay using all his assets and even pocket change. The corporation would be gone and he would go broke.

He stood outside the foggy glass door preparing himself to enter. To his surprise, they were the only two people in the room and all she brought was a couple of papers that weren't thick enough to be a major plan and a single red fountain pen. She moved a chair next to her indicating he should sit.

Normally you would greet them but he already did once, and he was advised not to repeat another one, so he just sat down. She turned so she was face to face with him then she slid the paper toward him.

He slowly picked it up and started reading. His one's tense face suddenly turned pale as he read the papers which were only 7 pages. It was filled with rules and details and schedules. He was confused if she was serious because the whole contract looked more like a schedule for daycare of a child.

It even had a few lists of food and a questionnaire at the bottom. Each question was simple enough to answer like what was his favorite color? or what food was he allergic to? He didn't know how to ask if she handed in the wrong document because he didn't want to offend her or anger her in any way.

"What you are reading is correct and it's a more personal contract." He just nodded along not speaking too much but he noticed that some parts did indicate the amount she was willing to invest to save the corporation and it was more than enough. The whole deal seemed to be ok, and he was aware that their lawyers have approved of the arrangement but only for the 2nd part as the 1st part looked very odd.

"May I ask why this 1st part is included in the Contract?" He stared at the papers and then back at her. Because the 2nd part made sense business-wise, but the 1st part almost looked like an adoption paper with a hint of babysitting. He was confused because he didn't have a child nor was, he planning to have one. He was single and didn't have time to even date due to his busy schedule.

"If it's not obvious enough. I have put a lot of detail in the 1st part where it is humane and of course not a sexual contract. The person that I am referring to in that condition will be you. All you have to do is follow the conditions for 31 days so a month starting tomorrow. Sign the contract and you will get your money." She calmly explained as if what she just said answered all his questions but now he thinks, she's a freak for even thinking about doing naps in the afternoon?

"What is this about? This wasn't a part of the deal?" Every ounce of calm flew out the window when he realized she must be joking or she was just wasting his time with a fake contract. but her face did not change and there was no sign of lies in what she said next.

"I will be investing a large sum of money in this company, and I could have chosen from thousands who up until today are still calling just to get an appointment with me. I assure you I am serious about this deal as I would be the one risking a lot of my money for it." He could not speak as he was speechless not knowing what else he could even say to somehow change something. but looking at her determined gaze he knew that she was set on every single detail in the papers he was holding.

"I did not come here to waste both of our time and I do not plan on wasting my money. I am well aware that the CEO is going above and beyond for this company so I will make sure you are taken care of." for a split second her face softened but it only took a few seconds before she turned back to her normal expression. She placed the pen on top of the paper waiting for him to decide. He felt the pressure of everything because he could not even tell her to give him a few days to think about it. After all, today is the only time she was available to meet.

"This is strictly business, and I am a man of my word." he opened the pen and finally signed the papers. When he was done he turned it sharply towards her by sliding it to her side making sure she saw his signature. When he closed the pen a few ink droplets landed on his palm making it spread. He was a bit shocked not knowing what to do next.

Before he could speak she took the pen and handed him a wet wipe for his hand but when he looked at her, he thought it was a different person. She had a concerned look on her face and he was about to ask that he saw something when she quickly stood up.

"I shall see you tomorrow then." He didn't even have the chance to look at her again when the glass door swung closed. What he should be concerned about was reading the copies she left him to read and fill up.

But he was too distracted by the wipe in his hand because it felt extra soft. The smell was somewhat familiar and it felt soothing for some reason. Then he felt a bump of indentation, which was probably the brand, so he lifted it closer to his face to read the words.

"Baby wet wipes"


I was inspired today so here you go to the people that have been waiting for their story to finally start a chapter hahaha. Hopefully, you'll soon understand that it's not all bad.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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