Chapter 1 - The Beginning of the End

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"There is much-qualified personnel in many areas that can meet your request a lot better than I can" Y/N said, an ironic -rhetorical- squeeze made her abdominal wall ever so smaller. That heartbeat knocked at the weaker ribs, louder than a sonic boom.

"Y/N-" "Dr. Cabrera or Magtr. Miller can help. They are internationally rebounded for their work" Y/N cut the woman off.

The older woman sighed. Giving up. Something she had experienced before. It was a different relief really. Letting go, moving on. That's all Y/N wanted. Needed.

"Thank you for your time" Miss Chang said, finally standing up. The blazer was accompanied by a pencil skirt in the same washed-out, probably sun damaged- grey. A set most likely. Not tailored correctly to the woman's frame. As she turned, small stray hairs escaped the tightly sealed bun, just above the subtle makeup smudges. She probably put on her makeup after getting dressed. Or took the blouse off a little too quickly to notice.

Y/N remained quiet. The air around her finally filtered back to its original state. Breathable air instead of the water-like thickness that rested upon the room every time one of those agents popped their head inside the office.

The small vibration of a device took her attention away from the fading clicks of the woman's heels. Her eyes landed on the ID displayed on her screen. Mistake1.

She huffed. That date was a mouthful to explain, but that alone could describe the entire thing. This new person came into her life, flirted with her, and began moving along before squashing it all with the simple repetition of the exact same phrase. What do you know about the Devil's Dance murders? How thrilling of a question! How original! But how funny that so many people repeated that.

Even if her name was forcefully kept out of the files. Did she remember requesting it? Not quite. Maybe she did. She wanted healing, normality, friends, all of that, without the sensationalism of sure a high-profile case. One that is happening all over again.

Y/N blinked a few times, finding the focus on the printer going off in the next room. They really needed to get that rusty sound fixed before a monster emerged from the wired innards of the machine. Or before a color cartridge exploded on very sensitive copies. Sensitive used lightly.

"Hey, Y/N" Jeong-ho called out.

He was standing by her door. His uniform was about the crumble as their shift was coming to an end. His stance was relaxed. No furrow or rigidity of the limbs. And his face was one right out of a dream. Those defined features highlighting those beautiful doe eyes. A softer nose than most but the softness fit with the less defined shape of his lips. His skin was tan and incredibly well taken care of. A man after anyone's heart.

"Yeah" Y/N responded, looking up to meet his gaze. A neutral and stable stare. "What's up?"

"Boss called for the preparations on the new piece" He started. "There is a lot of talk about this case and he wants us on it ASAP"

Y/N frowned. A strange beating sequence drummed in her chest, but she knew it had to be put down.

"I know" She said. "That's why Si-U and Ji-ho are on right now. They are covering the development live"

"Uh-huh" He hummed. "You didn't get the notice?"

"What notice?"

"The one where he rearranged the teams. You are the head editor for this specific story" He said, so matter-of-factly. It should have been harmless, thrilling even, but-

"I'm not from that section" She answered. A pathetic excuse, but effective. "Even if Shawn switched everything up, I am not to be put on these sorts of stories"

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