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killin' time
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     The cloudy sky flashed left to right with lightning as the storm grew along with the day. Grace's hood was still over her head, the appearance of raindrops still being decorated on the red fabric as it took it's time to dry — and she was sat on the small ledge of a window, looking out towards the almost abandoned town.

       It had been a few minutes since, who she now knew as Tess, had locked her and Ellie in the small apartment to 'talk' or 'plan' with Joel. At least, that's what she assumed was happening just outside of the door. Tess never actually expressed what they were doing, only mumbling a small 'give us a second' before shutting it behind her.

      Grace didn't mind it, not even looking in the woman's direction as the door slammed and the lock clicked. But Ellie did, and she outwardly showed that as she yelled a round of curses before smacking the now locked door.

     "They'll be back in a second," Grace whispered, placing her forehead against the cool window as her breathy words fogged the view. She swiped her hand against it, clearing it back up. "It's not like they are going to lock us in here and just.. leave." She said, spotting a couple across road, their two hands united into one. Grace watched them in curiosity. "They won't get any of their stuff without us."

     Grace let her words drift, giving the sound of the rain a chance to take the lead as it hit the window. And she tilted her head, her focus now finding their way to the darkening clouds. It was getting late, later in the day, considerably evening. And despite not seeing the sun, Grace assumed it would be a quarter of the way down at this point — not necessarily a sunset, but getting there.

Ellie had stayed quiet after her words. But she did let out a huff, which Grace did hear. And that was soon followed by her lingering footsteps, a thump, crick of a chair, and then the crinkle of a paper.

Grace closed her eyes, waiting a moment before following the ongoing noise. And when she finally looked over, looking at the book rather than at Ellie, she turned her body towards her.

"What are you doing?"

"They've got codes and shit in here," Ellie glanced up from the page, right at Grace. "They're using the radio to communicate."

        Grace's forehead subconsciously creased from the words, leading her to sit up straighter. And even though she couldn't exactly see the page the youngest was looking at, she still craned her neck in that direction.

        "How do you know that?" She asked, her feet thudding against the wooden floor, pushing her into a stance. Ellie held up a wrinkled, discolored piece of paper before Grace could even finish her sentence.

       "Bill and Frank," She started to read aloud, and Grace eye'd the door, hoping that the two were still engrossed in their current conversation. "60's, 70's... 80's," Ellie carelessly continued, "Nothing new, new stock, and..."

Ellie's words slowly stopped as she looked down at the paper. And Grace curiously stepped closer to her, squinting to read what was next.

"Eighty's is a red X?" Grace questioned, her gaze falling onto the radio. "I can only assume that's bad."

Ellie nodded, opening her mouth to say something back. But as the door shot open and Joel walked in after, Ellie slammed the book shut, keeping her focus on him.

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