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august 3rd, 1998

the birth
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        A roar of thunder could be heard, mixing into the screams of a helpless young woman. The storm had yet to settle much since it had started just a few hours prior, and it was starting to cause a flood within the city streets, along with the more rural areas, leading for unused roads to become blocked passageways.

      The pelts of rain seemed to have targeted an old cottage, down the outskirts of a wooded area. It was using its forceful wind to create new dents into the old paneling — even letting a few droplets venture their way into the home, seeing as this house was not shy of cracked or shattered windows. The floorboards, despite already being rickety and ruined, seemed to gain more damage from soaking in the rain-water slightly too long. Though, as the house appeared to be abandoned, these new designs would most likely go unnoticed by any passersby's, if any seized to exist.

        Anna Williams, feeling the weight of her clothes dragging her down, cringed at the snap of a branch she'd just stepped on. Despite the storm being underway, being the loudest it's been so far, she still couldn't be too careful. Infected were still nearby, scavenging the area for their newest victim. She had heard them a few miles back, and since then, their awful screeches had never left her ears, indicating they were still close by.

       Her breaths were becoming hollow, sounding more like gasps with each step she took. Her stomach was cramping, providing immense amounts of pressure she'd never felt before. Her hands were pressed against the areas that caused her the most pain, somehow thinking that it would help and ease the tension. But with her growing weaker, and her body fighting against her more, she'd fallen to her knees — ignoring the wet hairs that had fallen onto her face as another harsh scream coursed from her throat.

      "Please," Anna had practically hissed, the pain being too much for her to handle. Words were not coming easy for her, but that did not stop her from trying. "Just a little longer."

       Nothing had responded to her, other than another abrupt kick in her stomach. And Anna let out another forced gasp, using what was the last of her strength to hoist herself back into a stance. 

       She looked back from where she came, keeping her gaze sharp as she scanned the isle of trees that surrounded her. For the first time in the past hour, she had not heard a groan or cry from the infected. And despite that fact, she was yet to feel relieved. No noise did not mean no danger. She knew that.

      Anna forced herself forward, barely moving her eyes away from her past destination as she descended away from it. The rain continued to pour down on her, causing the girl to rub her eyes before her vision got too blurry. It was getting much too hard to see, but she did not stop her newfound steps. Anna kept her pace steady, letting one of her hands stay on her stomach while the other lingered to her pocket, grabbing the only weapon she had on her. A knife. Small but effective. It took her a second to find it, but once she did, a small snap sounded, letting the blade escape from the plastic covering. Anna kept a firm grip on the object, her focus staying forward.

      The more she walked, the more trees that bid her goodbye as she passed them. The land was starting to become open, letting groups of pools and puddles reach her line of sight. The once hard ground had grown rather soft, causing her black boots to sink into the dying grass. And a look of distaste had crossed her expression as some of the water had found its way into her shoe, making her socks grow rather wet against her sore feet.

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