Chapter 6: Comandeering a Ship

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The next morning, Will and (Y/n) groaned as they finally regained consciousness. They sat up and rubbed the back of their heads to sooth the throbbing pain they felt.

(Y/n) stood up first and looked around to see the villagers cleaning up the damage that was caused by the pirates. She looked towards the harbor and saw that the Black Pearl was gone. And so was Elizabeth.


Will and (Y/n) rushed over to Norrington and Governor Swann who were looking over a map along with other soldiers.

"They've taken her. They've taken Elizabeth!" Will exclaimed.

Norrington didn't look up from his maps. "Mr. Murtogg, remove these two."

"We have to hunt them down. We must save her." Will insisted, shaking Murtogg's hand away.

"And where do you propose we start?" Governor Swann asked. "If you two have any information concerning my daughter, share it."

"That...Jack Sparrow. He talked about the Black Pearl." Murtogg informed.

"Mentioned it is more what he did." Mullroy added.

"You could ask him where it is. Make a deal with him. He could lead you to it." (Y/n) insisted, hoping they would consider making a deal with Jack that would ensure his freedom.

"No. The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow in his cell. Ergo, they are not his allies." Norrington denied.

"If they're not his allies, then he has no reason to help them, which means he would be more likely to help you." (Y/n) pointed out.

Norrington just ignored her (accurate) point and turned to Governor Swann. "Governor, we will establish their most likely course—."

Will angrily slammed his axe into the table. "That's not good enough!" He bellowed.

Norrington just looked down at the axe with a bored expression, and pulled it out. "Mr. Turner, you are not a military man, you are not a sailor. You are a blacksmith, and Miss (Y/n) you are just a maid, and this is not the moment for rash actions!"

Norrington grabbed Will and (Y/n) by the arms and pulled them aside. "Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only people here who care for Elizabeth."

Norrington handed Will his axe, and went back to his maps.

(Y/n) grabbed Will by the arm and pulled him away. "Come on."


Jack was sitting in his cell, using a sharpened bone to try and pick the lock. He paused when he heard a noise, and tried to make it look like he wasn't doing anything.

Will ran down the stairs of the prison and approached Jack's cell. "You. Sparrow."

"Eh?" Jack responded from his spot on the ground.

"You are familiar with that ship the Black Pearl?"

"I've heard of it." Jack replied.

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