Chapter 5: The Attack

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It was nighttime now, and (Y/n) was smoothing down Elizabeth's bedsheets while she laid in bed reading.

"There you are, Lizzie. It was a difficult day for you, I'm sure." (Y/n) said.

Elizabeth hummed. "I suspected Commodore Norrington might propose, but I admit I wasn't entirely prepared for it."

"Oh, I know. You were so unprepared for it, you fell off the fort." (Y/n) teased.

Elizabeth playfully glared at her but the woman just chuckled, and Elizabeth smiled a little as well.

(Y/n)'s face then turned more serious. "So, do you think you're going to except?"

"Well, it is a smart match. He's a fine man. He's what any woman should dream of marrying." Elizabeth replied, not sounding very enthusiastic about the idea.

"You know, Will is a fine man as well." (Y/n) hinted.

Elizabeth gave her a look. "That is too bold."

(Y/n) sighed but agreed anyway. "You're right. Sorry Lizzie. Get some sleep. Goodnight."

(Y/n) gently patted Elizabeth's shoulder and exited her room, leaving her to her book.


As soon as (Y/n) closed the door to Elizabeth's bedroom, she glanced up and down the hallway to make sure no one else was around. Once the coast was clear, a determined look spread across her face.

She marched through the halls of the house, until she came to the door of her bedroom. She threw it open, and locked it to make sure no one came in.

She then ducked under her bed, and pulled out some loose floorboards that revealed a hidden compartment, and she pulled out the items she had put in there.

She pulled out a sword that she had taken from the blacksmith, without Will knowing, a pistol, and a small bag. Inside the bag was her old pirate clothes. A pair of boots, pants, a white shirt, a vest and a belt.

She took off her maid's uniform and changed into those clothes, and stuck her sword and her pistol into her belt. She then opened her window and climbed out, and landed in the bushes under her window.

After making sure no guards were around, she snuck off the Swann's property, and made her way into town. She was going to head to the jail cell and free her former Captain.


(Y/n) was about halfway to the prison, when she paused. There was a sudden change in the atmosphere. The wind had picked up, and she could feel the hair at the back of her neck stand on end. She felt paranoid, like at any minute something terrible was going to happen.

Oh, how right she was.


Out in the waters of Port Royal, a black ship with holes in the sails began to approach the shore.

They stopped and turned to the side, and began firing their cannons into the town.


Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black PearlTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon