Chapter 1: Introduction

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(Y/n) unconsciously lifted a hand to rub along her neck at the thought.

Elizabeth looked a bit confused, and turned to Mr. Gibbs who mimicked someone being hanged. Elizabeth gasped in horror, and (Y/n) swatted him on the arm to make him stop.

A man standing behind the Lieutenant stepped forward. He also wore a black wig that was a lot longer than the Lieutenant's and he wore a red outfit.

"I appreciate your fervor, but I'm concerned about the effect this subject will have upon my daughter."

"Apologies, Governor Swann." The Lieutenant said, before he walked away.

Elizabeth turned to her father. "Actually, I find it all fascinating."

"Yes. That's what concerns me." Her father mumbled, as he too walked away.

Elizabeth turned back to the railing and looked out into the water in front of her. (Y/n) came up beside her and leaned her elbows on the rail.

"(Y/n), have you ever met a pirate before?" Elizabeth asked.

(Y/n) thought for a moment. She had met several pirates in her life. But she wasn't sure whether or not to tell the little girl, for fear she would tell her father.

(Y/n) avoided the little girl's gaze and looked out into the water, trying to think of what to say, when something caught her eye.

A large piece of wood was floating out in the water, and on top of it was a small unconscious boy.

Elizabeth noticed (Y/n)'s face and turned and saw the boy as well. "Look! A boy! There's a boy in the water!" She exclaimed.

The Lieutenant heard her cries and looked over the edge of the boat to see that she was right.

"Man overboard! Man the ropes! Fetch a hook! Haul him aboard!" He ordered.

The crew threw down some ropes and pulled the boy out of the water, and laid him down on the floor.

The Lieutenant knelt down and looked him over. "He's still breathing."

Mr. Gibbs leaned out over the rail and his eyes widened. "Mary, Mother of God..." he breathed.

The other crew members and the Lieutenant moved away from the boy to peer over the rail. The ship floated by another ship that was sinking and had been set on fire.

"Most likely the powder magazine." The Lieutenant theorized. "Merchant vessels run heavily armed."

"Lot of good it did them. Everyone's thinking it, I'm saying it. Pirates." Mr. Gibbs said.

The Governor scoffed. "There's no proof of that. It was probably an accident."

"Rouse the Captain immediately. Heave to and take in sail. Launch the boats." The Lieutenant ordered.

The crew got to work launching the boats, while another crew member took the boy away.

The Governor came over to where Elizabeth and (Y/n) were standing. "(Y/n) I want you to stay with the boy. He'll be in your charge. Take care of him. Take Elizabeth with you."

(Y/n) nodded. "Come on Elizabeth." She grabbed the younger girls hand and pulled her along.

While the crew towed out to the burning ship, Elizabeth and (Y/n) knelt down by the boy's side. Elizabeth stared at his face and brushed a hand through his hair. As soon as she did, the boy gasped awake and grabbed her wrist.

"It's okay." She soothed. "My name is Elizabeth Swann."

"Will...Turner..." the boy breathed out.

(Y/n) gasped. "Did...did you just say Will Turner?" She asked.

The boy nodded weakly and (Y/n)'s eyes grew wide. She knew that name. Will Turner was the same name of a pirate she had met. Except everyone else knew him as Bootstrap Bill. This boy must be his son.

Once she got over her shock, she placed her hand on the boy's shoulder. "My name is (Y/n). I'm going to look after you, okay?"

The boy nodded once more, before he passed out again.

"Elizabeth, stay with him. I'm going to get him some water."

Elizabeth nodded, and watched (Y/n) get up and leave. She then looked back at the boy and noticed he had a small gold chain around his neck. She removed it, and noticed a coin attached to the end of it. The coin was small and made of gold, and had a skull carved into it.

"You're a pirate." Elizabeth realized.

"Has he said anything?" The Lieutenant asked.

Elizabeth swiftly turned around and hid the necklace behind her back. "His name's Will Turner. That's all I found out."

The Lieutenant nodded. "Take him below." He order a crew member.


Elizabeth now stood at the back of the boat, examining the coin in her hands. As she was looking at it, she noticed something in the distance. She looked up and saw a ghostly looking ship with black sails, that had several holes in them.

She eyes widened at the sight of the flag at the top. It was the flag of pirates.


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