"So-" you both said at the same time.

He motioned for you to go ahead with what you were about to ask, "I have a question." He nodded his head. "Who broke up with who?"

Baji snapped his head to look at you, "I did."

"When and why?"

"It was when we graduated and you didn't want me to be in a gang anymore but I still wanted to be in one. Then when I quit after considering you were more important, I left. But you were gone and then came back murdering everyone."

You nodded your head understanding. You two stayed silent until y'all arrived at the fairgrounds. When he opened the door for you, you had got a nice look at his outfit. He had his hair tied back which made it better. "You look nice." you said. He smiled and grabbed your hand.



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You two walked to the booth and he paid for y'all armbands and walked in. The woman at the booth gave her number to him.He handed it to you, you ripped it, and handed it back to her. You two walked around getting on rides and eating.

You heard someone yell your name while you two were walking. You turned around and Hiroto was waving at you. You let go of Baji's hand and hugged Roto. "It's good to see you." He said. He looked and saw Baji, "We did it?!" You nodded your head and he hugged you. "Lemme get your number." You two exchanged numbers and walked away to go back to Baji.

"Who was that?" he asked. You told him a close friend. You saw a ramen booth and dragged him to it. When you two were at a food booth there was an elderly couple behind you two.

The woman tapped on your shoulder, "You're gorgeous. Is he your boyfriend?" she asked.

"No ma'am. He's trying to be though." you said.

She laughed and turned to her husband, "Reminds me of you and me. You asked me out here 62 years ago."

He laughed, "Yeah, I was trying to be your boyfriend again and was embarrassing myself."

Baji stayed turned around ordering the food, but was listening in on the conversation and was smiling. The man touched Baji's shoulder, "Don't mess up with her." He motioned with his finger and whispered in his ear, "Ask her by the end of the night, when the fireworks start. Always work at that place."

Baji nodded his head understandingly and looked at the woman and you laughing and smiled. "I will." He grabbed your food and called your name. You told the woman bye and she gave you a hug and you hugged her back. You two ate y'all food and Baji looked around. He grabbed your hand and dragged you to the ferris wheel. The operator let you two on and started the ride when others got on the ride. You two stayed silent. You were upset because he made you leave your food. "Y/n." He grabbed your hand and looked at you. "I'm sorry." You raised your eyebrow. "I'm sorry that I was being dumb when I chose a gang over the love of my life."

When you were about to reply the ride stopped and the operator said the fireworks were starting. You two got off and went to where the others were gathered. You saw the first explosion in the sky and decided to say your reply. "It's good. That happened a long time ago, Kei."

"Can we start over? Just give me one more chance and I won't fuck up." You saw tears started forming in his eyes and you wiped them.

You nodded your head, "Okay." The fireworks started going off all at once and he gave you a kiss. You kissed him back and pulled away. You saw the elderly couple holding hands and pointing at the sky. They both looked over at you two and did a thumbs up. You two did a thumbs up back and they smiled. You heard multiple guns go off and saw Baji fall, then the couple. You pulled your gun out and found someone who was firing into the crowd and shot at them. They fell and you looked at Baji checking for a pulse and there was none. You started crying and you pulled out your phone and called Takemichi.

"Michi, he's dead." you said shakily.

"Y/n what you mean?" Takemichi asked you.

You tried to breathe and say it straight but you couldn't, "Baji. He's dead. Some people started shooting and it hit Baji."

"I'm on my way." he hung up and you sat his head on your lap.

You felt someone tap your shoulder and you held up your gun. "Y/n it's me Hiroto." You lowered the gun and started crying again.

"Gimme your hand." you told him.

Hiroto sighed, "Okay. But this is the last time. Make sure he stays alive this time." You nodded your head, and he grabbed your hand.

A/n: this book is ending soon. in about 3 chapters.

𝑷𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 (𝑩𝒂𝒋𝒊𝑲𝒆𝒊𝒔𝒖𝒌𝒆𝑿𝑩𝒍𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒇𝒆𝒎𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒓!)Where stories live. Discover now