44 | Vecna's Truth

Start from the beginning

"Do you remember what you did, Isadora? Or have you already forgotten?" A voice asked and Isadora suddenly saw  flashes of her facing the Mind Flayer before Laura pushed her out of the way and Isadora closed her eyes and shook her head as the voice continued, "When I kill someone ... I never forget."

"It wasn't my fault. I-I d-didn't —" Isadora said, as her heart pounded faster. She had figured out the voiced belonged to Vecna but all Isadora felt right now was fear for she knew she was cursed and Vecna could kill her right now if he wanted to, and that thought terrified her. Isadora quickly realised she needed to get out of there and she started to climb up a set of stairs, but soon she found herself surrounded by red fog and as she remembered what Max had told her about when Vecna had gone into her mind, Isadora realised she must have found a way into Vecna's mind space.


Billy had no idea what had happened. One minute, Isadora had been grabbing a hold of the rope to start climbing through and the next, the whites of her eyes had been showing and she was not responding to him trying to break her out of whatever trance she was in.

"Is, come on! Damn it, please wake up!" Billy yelled, as he gently shook Isadora, trying to snap her out of the trance.

"Shit, it's Vecna," Max said, as she looked down into the Upside Down and saw Billy gripping onto Isadora's shoulder.

"What?" Billy asked.

"W-we need music," Max said before she hurried to try and find some music so that they could free Isadora from the trance she was in.


The sound of a ticking clock caught Isadora's attention as she walked and she felt shivers run down her spine as she looked around.

"I know that I'm cursed and if I'm here, that probably means I'm going to die," Isadora said to herself, as she walked forward.

"I see you and your friends have been looking for me, Isadora. You were so close, so close to the truth."

"Please, I don't want to die," Isadora said, as she continued down the stairs and her heart stopped when she saw the body of Chrissy before she noticed a stained glass window with a red rose, which suddenly opened and Isadora watched as a young family opened the door and walked into the Creel House.

"What'd I tell ya?"


"This is amazing. It looks like a fairytale, a dream."

"Alice, no running."

"It's so big!" A girl yelled as she ran past Isadora and headed upstairs. Isadora watched her go before noticing the young boy, and she had a feeling that he wasn't noticed by anyone very often. Suddenly, she heard a voice talking but there was something telling her that even though the voice wanted her to listen, they weren't talking to her.

"Like you, I didn't fit in with the other children. Something was wrong with me. All the teachers and doctors said I was ... broken, they said. My parents thought a chance of scenery, a fresh start in Hawkins might just cure me. It was absurd, as if the world would be any different here."

Isadora knew how they felt, to have to start over in a new town and she sighed softly as she followed the young boy before noticing that the lights were flickering as the boy made his way into the bathroom and she looked at the lights before looking towards the boy.

"But then, to my surprise, our new home provided a discovery."

Isadora watched on as the boy stuck his hand into the vent, where she had stumbled across the black widow spiders back in her dimension.

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