Chapter 28: Let's Misbehave

Start from the beginning

"You were having a dream, darling." He reiterated, his tone softening. "A pretty bad one too, it seems."

You blinked a few times as you processed his words. A dream. Just a dream. Squinting as Alastor reached over to turn on the nightstand lamp, you sighed gently as you looked back up at him. Seeing a small amount of blood on his lips.

"You're bleeding." You pointed out in confusion.

"Yes, I am." He confirmed. Wiping his lip with the back of his hand and looking down at the smear.

"Aw fuck, did I hit you?" You asked. Immediately feeling deep seated remorse as you reached up. Gingerly running your thumb against the tiny split in his bottom lip.

"I've felt worse," he reassured you. "You do have one hell of a right hook however, my dear."

"Shit." You groaned. Shakily wiping away another droplet or two that had formed. "Alastor I didn't mean to, I'm so sorry..."

"Now now, it's alright." He said calmly. Gently pulling you closer, he wrapped his arms around you and held you in a hug. Gently and slowly rocking you as you curled up to him and sobbed. "Shhh," he cooed. "It's over now. You're okay."

"No, I hit you..." you sniveled, shaking your head. "I didn't mean it Alastor, I would never...-"

"I told you, it's alright." He assured you. Giving you a kiss on the top of your head, petting your hair and ears as he gently urged you to relax. "I know you didn't mean it. I'm a big boy, I'll be alright. I promise."

A minute or two passed while you cried in his arms. Al never stopped swaying you, as well as he rubbed your back and played with your hair in attempt to soothe you. Quietly he hummed a familiar tune; his hypnotic voice lulling your mood back down.

"Do you want to tell me what you dreamt about, dear?" He finally asked.

"I... I saw my parents..." you stammered. Feeling embarrassed to be stuttering like that. You sat upright, Alastor's arm relaxing as he let you move but still kept it draped around you.

"What about them, my love?" He wondered.

"I dreamt they did something real bad..."


"You knew??"

"Of course we knew!" Your father sneered with a laugh. "All the people that work in this damn circus you think everyone kept their mouth shut?"

Shannon practically had to pick her own jaw up from off the grass. Stumbling upon a conversation she wasn't meant to be a part of, she wound up getting more than she bargained for when she was caught eavesdropping.

"You sent Johnny away... Just so Y/n would have no choice but to stay here?" She stammered.

Your parents glanced at each other for a moment before looking back.

"Yeah. Away." Your father nodded. "Away from her so he could stop clouding her mind with all those nonsense fantasies of love and a happily ever after..."

"But she could have been happier, as her parents you should have wanted her happiness above your own! And you took that choice away from her-"

"Took away her choice?" Your mother interrupted. "We saved her! She had no idea how badly she was about to ruin her life! She had no outside knowledge of how the outside world really works, she has no other skills that townies have, she would have been depressed and feeling useless. And for what? Over some pretty boy?"

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