Chapter Seven: The Unseen

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Slowly, Seth returned to consciousness. He felt terrible. His head pounded and his body ached. He felt as though somebody had dragged him all the whole across North America. He had been dropped unceremoniously on the floor. A damp, hard, scratchy floor. A stone floor to be exact. 

He opened his eyes to find he was in a pitch black room. Alone. Fear seized him, yet he did his best to hide it under a calm, cool, and collected attitude. Just in case anyone was watching. He tried to use his remaining four senses to guide him. He got to his feet and slowly held out his arms in both directions.  His fingers scraped stone walls. So, he was in a small dungeon cell. Maybe? He turned the other way, arms still out. One hand felt a wall, while the other didn't. Empty space that way.

He took a deep breath and slowly shuffled forward, hands still out. Five paces later his hand felt smooth metal. Definitely a dungeon. That was the cell door. His hand moved across the door. He needed to check for bars. Nothing. Lock? Nothing. It could have been a blank metal wall for all he knew. He desperately wished he had a flashlight, or better yet, Kendra to light up the room. Or cell . . .

He took another deep breath. His nose tingled with a putrid stink. His throat was parched. His stomach yearned for food. Seth was exhausted. Almost dead on his feet. He sat down and decided to think.

Possible escape plans. He told himself. Break down the door. With what? Wait a minute .  . .

Seth realized he didn't have Vasilis. He grabbed at his sheath. Empty. He stood up and frantically searched the room for his sword using only his hands. In the darkness he couldn't tell if he'd missed it or it wasn't in the room at all. 

His breathing quickened. That guy who kidnapped him had Vasilis? The legendary sword of light and darkness. He had to get that back or Stan would kill him. And maybe the Singing Sisters for losing his gift from them. 

Suddenly, footsteps echoed through the room. Somebody was approaching his cell. Seth stood up and hid his panic in a smug mask. He leaned against the wall trying to appear undaunted. The door opened and a man entered. 

It was the same man as earlier. Black cloak that revealed nothing but his wrinkled hands. He was either an old man or a cursed man. 

"You're Seth Sorenson, correct?" the man asked, studying him intently.

"No, I'm Ronodin the dark unicorn. Release me or risk your whole petty hideout being exploded." Seth joked. 

The man chuckled. "Tell me Seth, do you know why you're here?" 

"Nope," Seth replied honestly. "But I can guess that you want my autograph. I'm an awesome dragon king slayer." 

The man smiled. "We need your help."

"And we is?" Seth asked, drumming his fingers against the wall, trying to look cool. 

"The Unseen." the man answered. Seth was surprised he was giving answers so openly. "We are an organization that defends dark creatures' rights." 

Seth groaned. "Did anyone tell you I got my memories back? You can't play the 'dark creatures are innocent, they need help' card anymore."

"I'll admit most of them aren't innocent, but they do need help." the man replied not losing his composure. "Before you left did the Alderfairy share her plans?"

"No," Seth answered realizing this was the type of person who thrived on information. The tiniest hints could give this man full answers. He had to be careful what he said. 

"The Alderfairy is planning to purge all dark creatures." the man said honestly. "That shifts the balance indefinitely. It would weaken the Void tremendously." 

"But .  . ." Seth replied not grasping an idea. "If the Void weakens, so does the Source." 

The man nodded. "The Alderfairy has found a way around that. She plans to banish the Void back to the realm of darkness in which it came from. Since in those realms the Void cannot detect the Source, it will be weak, while the Source stays strong."

"Still doesn't make sense. Without out the Source, where will dead people go? How would people die?" Seth asked, hands on his hips.

"Oh, people won't die. That's the point. The Alderfairy will kill all darkness, all mortals who won't help her and keep the light alive. After that, she'll destroy the Void." the man said.

Seth wanted to argue that the Alderfairy wouldn't do that, but to tell the truth, he kind of though she would. She seemed so different, when he last met her compared to the time he first met her in the Source. She was acting so stereotypical and cruel. She no longer seemed fit for the fairy crown. Still, the man's story was a bit far-fetched. 

"How does that concern me?" Seth asked, finally. It was time to go on survival mode. Then he could worry about the next person trying world domination. 

"We need your help. We need you to pull some strings and get some of our people working with the Alderfairy's high ranks. We need to stop the Alderfairy once and for all." the man answered. 

"How are you going to do that?" Seth asked. 

The man smiled. "That is for you to find out if you become a member."

"A member of the Unseen!" Seth exclaimed. "Isn't that for people who support darkness?"

"For people who support dark creatures rights." the man corrected. "You do don't you?"

"I support whatever is fair." he replied, evenly. "Can I quit?"

"When we stop the Alderfairy, yes, you can quit." the man said. "So, will you join?" 

Seth bit his lip. "Do I have to stay in this cell?"

"No! Of course not. You'll get food, water, a dormitory with all the other younger members of the Unseen." the man continued.

"You promise you aren't lying to me? And won't ever lie to me?" Seth pressed.

"I swear on my life." The man responded. "You ready to make the Unseen vow?"

Seth took a deep breath and thought about his circumstances. He was alone in a stone building which was apparently the Unseen hideout. He was on the run from all light creatures and couldn't return to his family. Everywhere he went he was chased. The Alderfairy had turned evil. These people wanted to stop the Alderfairy. It was a no-brainer. He had to join the Unseen. And plus, maybe he could escape if he become a member. There was no escaping from this dank, dark cell, with no door. 

Seth wiped his sweaty hands on his pants. "I'm ready."

The man nodded. "Put your hand on your heart." Seth complied. "Repeat after me. I swear on my life, my family and all I hold dear that I will be loyal to the Unseen. I will not betray them, not tell their secrets, and will not trick them in any sort of way. I will be committed to their mission and follow the orders of my superior members. I will not harm my fellow members in anyways. If I break my word then I give the Unseen the right to hunt down my family and friends. I am Unseen." 

"I swear on my, life, my family and all I hold dear that I will be loyal to the Unseen. I will not betray, not tell their secrets, and will not trick them in any sort of way. I will be committed to their mission and follow the orders of my superior members. I will not harm my fellow members in any ways. If I break my word then I give the Unseen the right to hunt down my family and friends. I am Unseen." Seth repeated, his hands shaking a little. There was no loopholes in the contract. 

The man clapped his hands together, pleased. "Great, now lets get you out of here. You should rest before we give you your first mission." Seth didn't notice that he was shaking even more now. There was nothing to be scared of. Why was he shaking?

He took a step forward. Then another. Just walking was sucking all his energy. He was dead. So dead. More steps. He slouched against the wall.

"Are you OK?" the man asked, raising a hand to steady him. 

"Yes," Seth replied shortly. It was taking to much breath to talk. What was wrong with him? "What's your name?" 

"I am Kai," he answered. "Are you sure you're okay? Maybe a little tired?"


And then Seth blacked out from exhaustion. 

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