Chapter Two: Ronodin Returns

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Kendra could barely register what had happen. One second ago, Bracken declared that the Fairy Realm viewed Seth as traitor. The next second, Seth had vamoosed.

As Fairykind, was it her responsibility to discard Seth too? But, how could she? He was her brother! He was innocent and Kendra knew. How could Seth help Ronodin? After all, Seth always said she had a sixth sense for trouble.

Stan immediately agreeing  to the Alderfairy's claim was most shocking. Everyone had disagreed with him and Kendra couldn't grasp why he was believing this.

Bracken had left as fast as he came. He said he needed to do something urgently. So, Kendra had retired to the attic, pacing around in anticipation.

"You look worried." a sly voice commented.

Kendra whirled around, surprised. She knew whose voice it was and wasn't actually expecting the person to be there.

"Ronodin." she said, almost wearily. 

He smirked. Ronodin was sitting at her window ledge, the spring air gushing in. Kendra had a strange desire to push him out the window.

"Miss me?" he asked.

"Never." Kendra said, scanning the room for some sort of weapon.

"So, I heard the news." Ronodin said casually.

"What news?" Kendra demanded.

"Seth is apparently a traitor." 

"Your enjoying this, aren't you?" Kendra asked, frowning.

"Perhaps." Ronodin said. "Though, I admit I wasn't aware that the Alderfairy was so foolish."

"It's just a misunderstanding, anyway." Kendra lied. "How'd you escape?"

"The same way everyone else does." Ronodin said. "The exit."

"That's not an answer." Kendra grumbled.

"Did you expect one?" Ronodin said.

"No," Kendra said. "Are you serious just going to waltz in here and act like it's normal? I could scream for someone."

"But, you won't." Ronodin said. "You know your grandparents arrival will make me leave and you know I won't come back. You want some answers. I got them. Whether I tell you or not, depends on you."

"I don't have any information for sale." Kendra said flatly.

"Everyone does." Ronodin said.

"What do you know?" Kendra said.

"What do you want to know." Ronodin countered. 

"Where's Seth?"

Ronodin paused. "I can tell you where he'll go."

"Where?" Kendra demanded.

"Soaring Cliffs." Ronodin said simply.

"That doesn't make sense." Kendra argued. "Why would he go there?

"Why not?" Ronodin told her. "You are absolutely clueless of his whereabouts, that's a fact."

Kendra frowned at him and snatched a ruler from the desk. If Ronodin noticed, he didn't say anything.

"You know, Kendra, the rules are changing and so is the game." Ronodin said. "You better be prepared for what's coming."

"What is coming?" Kendra questioned.

"You'll see." Ronodin grinned at her. "Life would be tedious without surprises." 

"I find it peaceful." Kendra said.

"That's why your you, no?" Ronodin said. "And I'm thankfully me."

"Thankfully?" Kendra muttered. "I can't imagine someone wanting to be you."

"Good." Ronodin told her. "Guess my place is mine to keep." without another word, he let go of the side of the window and fell. Surprised by the sudden action, Kendra ran over.

He was gone.



Kendra stared nervously down at her dinner, aware of her grandfather's scrutiny.

"Is something wrong, Kendra?" Stan asked, on cue.

Yes, Kendra thought  but she said; "No,"

"You look worried, dear." Ruth noticed. "Is this about Seth?"

Kendra wanted to say no, but found she didn't mean it. "Yes. It is." she said it coldly and Stan noticed.

Stan sighed. "Kendra, Seth made the wrong choices. We can't just let it go. I know it's hard but-"

"But what?" Kendra exclaimed, suddenly very mad at Stan. "Seth didn't do it and you know it!"

"You don't know either." Stan countered. "Kendra, things may be very confusing, but we have to let Seth prove the Alderfairy wrong himself. Unless you have proof that he didn't aid Ronodin?"

"I do!" Kendra said, without thinking. "I saw Ronodin today. He said Seth didn't help him and were just making a big mess!"

Everyone at the table looked up at her. 

"You saw Ronodin?" Tanu exclaimed.

Kendra realised she should have kept her mouth shut. Gulping, she slowly nodded.  

"Why didn't you say anything?" Warren demanded.

"What were you gonna do? Chop him in half?" Vanessa asked him.

"None of that." Stan said earnestly. "Kendra, explain everything."

She stared at Stan. Could she really trust him with Seth's location? Kendra didn't have the guts to tell him no, nor the heart to spill the beans.

"It would be very helpful." Stan said gently.

"It. . ." Kendra said slowly. "Wasn't important. It was nothing but riddles."

"Riddles have answers." Tanu said wisely.

Kendra shrugged. 

Stan sighed.  "Keeping secrets isn't going to help." 

"Supporting whose wrong is helpful either." Warren murmured.

Stan shook his head. "In dire times, we can not separate. We will fail more the longer we disagree."

"Don't shoot the old man smartness words." Warren said. "Go  clean your foggy glasses and see who's really wrong."

Kendra couldn't help but agree.

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