no roses without thorns

37 5 5

Friday, 29th October 2021

How would you make one hate his favourite class? Easily. The presence of Rose Granger-Weasley was more than enough. And it wasn't even Scorpius not being able to take his eyes off her what stood the reason. It was much deeper, further back in the past, before he met Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy. Or the exact moment Albus met him.

He added mucus and horklump juice, three drops of each. Albus had maybe crushed the half of spines of lionfish, when Scorpius leaned towards him, pure horror distorted the boy's face.

«You've got any idea what we're doing?» He whispered.

«No,» Albus shrugged. «I'll trust my luck.»

Luck wasn't on his side. And though it didn't come as a suddenness to him, he couldn't understand what could've possibly gone wrong. Scorpius looked no less startled, eyes popping wide, glancing at their cauldron with greyish liquid, which would be ok If the potion Slughorn had shown them a few minutes earlier wasn't golden yellow.

«It happens a lot,» Slughorn said, encouragingly. «Albus, my boy, can I have some minutes of your time after the lesson?»

He nodded, Scorpius gave him an intriguing look. But he wouldn't get his hopes that high, Slughorn usually said nothing important, more often murmuring something about Albus's great potential, that, in the old professors' opinion, could be completely destroyed due to his sloth. Albus believed he was doing pretty well with Potions. As for the rest of the classes, he could not care less. Once the bell rang, everyone left the class except for a few students, including him and Rose.

«Got you all here!» Slughorn exclaimed. «I'm having supper with the older students on Saturday, I was hoping to see you too. Albus, I tried to get your brother there, but he doesn't seem interested.»

Surely, James would show no interest. It'd mean crossing paths with Albus, which he avoided like the plague. Besides, what was James interested in? Except for quidditch and the many girls he'd snogged. And his friends, of course, his stupid friends. Those three James called his family, those three he appeared to care about enough.

Albus left the Grand Staircase behind, and headed to the Slytherin common room, feeling knackered, when his thinking was interrupted by a ringing, tight voice.

«Albus! You've got a date to Slughorn's party?»

«Don't think it's any of your business.»

«I thought maybe you'd like to go together,» Rose suggested, trying to keep up with his pace. «If you don't have a girlfriend, of course.»

«I'd rather go with Mrs Norris,» he snapped without bothering himself to listen to what else she had to say.

Albus felt a flash of anger shot through him. How dare she speak to him like that with four years passing? One could call him vindictive (James did, of course), but he wouldn't just act like they were all right again. Rose Granger-Weasley was his friend, best friend once, but she turned her back on him. Just like everyone else. Not to mention her behaviour towards Scorpius, who had nothing for her but blind adoration.

Speaking of whom, he found the fair-haired boy in the common room, hung over a tome, eyes narrowed. It was quiet here today, and seemed like Scorpius decided to have a change of scenery. With OWLS around the corner, Scorpius grew more anxious, paranoid even.

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