"No, daddy! Dress up!"

"Absolutely not!"

"Daddy don't love us." Elizabeth sighs, making me burst out in laughter.

"You two are gonna be the bloody end of me." He groans, picking up one of Elizabeth's princess costumes from the floor and putting it on over his shirt.

"Oh my God. Wait here, I need to do something." I run off, looking around for a camera. I find one and walk back to the living room, recording William and Elizabeth.

William scoffs and looks up at me. "Turn that off! Do you know how bloody embarrassing this is?!"

"Yup! Sooo! Today is September 2nd, 1976 and this is my lovely boyfriend, William Afton, dressed as a princess!" I giggle as I record, Elizabeth running around.

"L/N! Turn the camera off!" He yells at me, his face red from embarrassment.

I laugh and shake my head, causing him to take off the dress and walk toward me. I laugh and run away, making him chase after me.

"L/N!" he shouts, and I turn off the recording, setting the camera down on the table as I pass it. He runs after me, soon catching up. I scream, laughing as well, as he pins me to the wall, breathing slightly heavy.

"G'day, mate." I mimic his accent, and he flares at me.

"You, my dear, are killing me slowly." He presses his lips against mine and I smile, kissing back.

Once I pull away, he just stares at me. I look away, but I can feel his eyes burning into me.

"Can I go now?" I ask, making eye contact with him. He smirks and kisses me again, and I kiss back.

He deepens it slightly, before pulling away and kissing my neck. I inhale sharply and look at him. "W-William.."

"Mm?" He continues kissing my neck.

"Do you love me?" I ask, and he pulls away, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Of course I do, why wouldn't I?"

"Then I'm so sorry for this.." I bite his arm and run off, causing him to yelp in shock.

"Y/N!?" He rubs his arm, chasing after me.

I run to the living room and see Elizabeth wearing the costume now, looking at me.

"Mama, in." She points to the play pen and I smile, picking her up and putting her in. I sit on the couch and catch my breath a bit, but am quickly interrupted by my head being tilted back.

I look at the man behind me, who has an innocent smile on his face. "Hello, my love." He softly kisses me while my face is upside down and I kiss back. When he pulls away, he sits next to me.

"You bit me."

"Really? I thought I kicked you." I reply sarcastically, laughing.

"Mm. My arm hurts."

"Aww. You want me to kiss it better?"

William Afton x female readerWhere stories live. Discover now