Messages... Again.

681 32 11

Please enter the current time.


Ah, 4:20. Your favorite time of the day. Because you're an immature child.

Or... could you simply not resist giving me the correct time again?

After all, I know how much you enjoy setting the time correctly.

Okay now I'm curious how accurate 4:20 is. Let's use another slider to find out.

He moved the slighter slightly to the less accurate side. He didn't know the time.

You know, can I just say, regardless of the accuracy of the clock, I'm having a great time adjusting these settings.

I feel like I'm learning more about you and how you like things to be set.

It's good to collect data.

Alright then.

I wish we had more sliders! But we've gone through all the sliders I have.

Hm... perhaps I can invent some new sliders to gather new data on you.

Shouldn't be too hard. Yeah, let me whip a couple new ones up.

Should be ready by the next time you boot up the game.

Why are they calling it a game? This isn't a game, is it? Stanley is actually here, getting tormented by an endless amount of resets, right?


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