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Matt is at a restaurant with his brothers when he sees a really cute boy and develops feelings for him..? Thanks @Chl0eS00t for the request!! ENJOY!!

Matt was at a restaurant with his brothers waiting for the waiter to come by and take their orders, when out of nowhere walked a boy. He was walking to his friends and as he did he smiled at Matt who was staring at him, Matt looked around for a second before smiling back widely, his brothers didn't notice but Matt's cheeks were now a bright red

The same boy came up to him whenever his brothers were using the bathroom "hey! I'm Jonas! What's your name?" Jonas said

Matt looked up from his phone a bit surprised "oh hi! Nice to meet you Jonas, I'm Matt! Or Matthew but everyone calls me Matt haha!"

Jonas smiled and they talked for a bit before Jonas had to do, "it was very nice talking to you! Before I go, could I get your number maybe..?"

Matt smiles widely and nodded excitedly, they exchanged numbers and Matt was smiling like a puppy with how excited he was

Soon Jonas left and his brothers came back, Chris happened to see him talking to the boy and had a scowl on his thing about Chris is that he's extremely protective over Matt, even tho Matt's older Chris will always protect him and look out for him!

Matt looked at Chris confused; "what's wrong Chrissy? You look mad..? Did something happen?"

Chris's scowl dropped a little and he forced a smile patting Matt's back; "I'm okay buddy! I was just thinking! Who was that boy you were talking to?"

Matt's face turned pink and he bit his lip "oh! He wanted to be friends that's all! He's really nice!" Matt smiled

Chris frowned a little, what if Matt likes this guy more than him? What if Matt completely forgets about Chris?? Chris sighed and smiled at Matt "that's great Matty!"

Matt smiled and gave Chris a small hug before they all went back to the car and drove home

Once they were home they decided to watch a movie and relax together, Matt was squished between Chris and Nick just how he liked (not weirdly) and they had their arms around him protectively

While they were watching the movie Matt's phone suddenly dinged, he looked at his brothers and was relieved to see they weren't paying attention...right now, he grabbed his phone and looked at his messages

There was a message from Jonas! Matt read it going to text back (the next part is gonna be mainly texting)

Jonas😨: hey! Matt right? It's Jonas! Sorry I'm just now texting you, I've had a long night lolll

Matt🍄: oh hey! It's alright:) I'm just watching a movie with my brother rn!

Jonas😨: oh cool! What movie? Oh and maybe I can meet your brothers sometime!

Matt🍄: definitely! Oh just a horror, I can't remember the name lol, my brothers names are Nick and Chris!

Jonas😨: nice!! And you guys are triplets right? Or is their a forth one idk about?? SHSH

Matt🍄: AHAH NOO, just us three lolll, I love my brothers! They're the besttt

Jonas😨: I'm glad!! I wish I had brothers...only have three sisters! Their not triplets tho LOL

Matt🍄: ahaha maybe we could meet eachothers siblings sometime!

Jonas😨: yeah definitely! Hey would you wanna go hangout together sometime? You seem really cool!!🫶

Sturniolo triplets story's/oneshots :)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin