"What the...? Stefan? Damon?" "Hello Katherine. Goodbye Katherine." "You don't really think that you can kill me with that now, do you?" She tries to leave. "No, but she can." I walk out the closet holding a compressed air weapon and shoot Katherine on her back with an evil smile on my face. "Goodbye, Katerina."

Stefan rushes over to Katherine and drives the stake through her arm. Me, Stef and Day start fighting Katherine together, even though am older in face age is is still a good 100 years above us. She tries to stake Damon but Stefan grabs her by behind, falls on the floor with her and chokes her from behind and while she can't move Damon rushes over and is about to stake her when Jeremy arrives. "Stop! You're hurting Elena! Everything you're doing to her is hurting Elena!" Damon drops the stake and Stefan loosens his grip in shock.

"You think you two are the only ones with a witch on your side? Wrong and something tells me that my witch is better than your witch." She takes the stake from Damon's hands. Damon and Stefan look at Jeremy. "Jeremy, go check on Elena. Make sure she's okay. Go!" Jeremy nods and leaves. "Let's all make sure poor Elena is okay. Just a little bit more pressure." She cuts her hand with the stake I hit Katherine's hand and throws the stake on the floor. Katherine takes the stake and is about to drive it through her stomach. "This is really gonna hurt."

I kick her "Stay the fuck away from the stake or I swear to god you won't live to see another day of your life once the spell is lifted." She rolls her eyes and sits down on the couch. "Okay. So, how about that moonstone?" We all move aside from her. "The four of us together just like old times. The brother who loved me too much, the one that didn't love me enough and the mother who begged." I scoff. "And the evil slut vampire who only loved herself."

"True, no cap." I high five Damon. "What happened to you Damon? You used to be so sweet and polite." "Oh, that Damon died a long time ago." "Good. He was a bore." "Oh, no honey. That Damon is dead, but only for you." "Oh, why don't you three stop antagonizing each other?" "I can't Baby, she gets on my nerves." Stefan smiles a bit at my whining.

"Where is the moonstone?" "In my pocket, here lemme get it out, umm." I bring my middle finger out of the pocket and both my sons laugh. "What do you want with it?" "Does Elena enjoy having both of you worship at her alter?" "Well look at that, she just changed the topic. So mature." I shake my head.

"That was really desperate, Katherine. Don't you think that we can see right through you?" "So it doesn't bother you that Damon's in love with your girlfriend? What about you Anjali, you literally tormented me for that, it doesn't bother you?" "I asked you to be with anyone of them, I offered you protection and what did you do? The same I forbade you to do." "What will happen when Elena starts stringing them both, would you try to kill her?" "Oh, stop it." "Or what? You'll hurt me?" She gets up from the couch.

"Come on, Stefan. Everything that I feel, Elena feels, so go ahead." She turns to Damon with a malicious smile. "Or better yet, kiss me Damon. She'll feel that too." "You know, this whole Mason thing has me a bit confused. Why a werewolf? The moonstone can break a curse that would help them destroy all vampires so what's in that for you?" "Sorry about your pet wolf, probably should have kept him on a tighter leash." "I'll have to remember that for next time. He's not the only wolf in town." I sigh.

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"Damn it! Where is that witch?" "We could play charades." "Or we can play let's kill Katrina, sounds interesting right?" I glare. "You bargained the moonstone." "What are you mumbling about over there?" "When you struck a deal with George Lockwood, to help you fake your death, you told me that you gave George something that he needed. It was the moonstone, wasn't it?" "Good for you, Stefan. Two plus two...And it would have worked except that people found out that I wasn't in the tomb." She looks at Damon.

"Thanks to you, by the way. Have I mentioned how inconvenient your obsession with me has been?" "You and me both, honey." "Why do you need it back?" "I love you in a suit, so dashing." I slap her arm. "What's with you and topic changes huh? Just answer the damn question Katerina." "What were you doing with it in the first place?" "You're wasting your breath, Stefan." A sudden realization strikes me.

"Unless it wasn't yours to begin with. In 1864 you faked your death. Who were you running from, Katherine?" "In 1987 you were in Chicago, at a concert of all places with that wench, Lexi. Come on Stefan, don't look so surprised. Of course I checked in on you over the years. You were standing in the front row, dancing all night. You were watching Bon Jovi and I was watching you." "Who were you running from, Katerina?

Katherine doesn't answer but mouths "I love you" to Stefan, I just want to beat the living crap out of her. "We're missing the party. I'll have one of those." She says to Damon who was serving himself a glass of bourbon. Day rolls his eyes and mimics the voice of a servant boy "Right away Miss Katherine." He is about to give her a glass when I intercept and take a swing of it. "Thank you Champ, bitch." He grabs her and pushes her against the wall. He tries to stake her but Stefan and I stop him.

"No, no! Damon, don't!" "Yes, Damon, please." "You bitch, better keep your mouth shut." "The second the spell is lifted, I'm gonna drive a stake right through your heart." I nod in agreement, best die now than later. "God, you're hot. When did you get so hot?" I hear footsteps and look to the side to see Lucy with moonstone in her hand, why god why? "Katherine, the spell on this room has been broken, you're free to leave." "Thank God."

"When I hand this over my debt to you is over." "Done." "I owe you nothing." I said done. Give it." "I wouldn't do that." Damon warns Lucy but then too she gives Katerina the moonstone but when she touches it, she chokes. "You should have told me another witch was involved. She's a Bennett witch, Katherine, but I'm sure you knew that." "You have a spark, little witch. Thank you." I smile at her.

"Wait, Elena!" "Elena's fine." Katherine falls on the floor and I kick her hard before she loses consciousness. "The spell is broken. She'll heal quickly, Bonnie's with her." Katherine is suffocating and I smile at her. "I apologize for my involvement." "Thank you for your help. We are grateful Lucy." She smiles and leaves.

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Stefan and I join Elena. "Elena!" "I'm okay, I'm okay. Bonnie took away the pain and I think I'm healing." I quickly hug her keeping her wounds in mind. "I know baby, but I think you should definitely see a doctor anyway." I say concerned for her. "I will. I heard about Katherine, is it true? Is she really gone?" "Yeah, I was so worried about you." Stefan goes toward her but she pushes him away.

"Stefan...I..." "Katherine being gone doesn't change anything for you, does it?" Elena has a guilty and pained look on her face. "I want to be with you, Stefan. You know that but first, I need to wake up and know that the people that I love are safe. I need to feel safe. Do you understand?" even if I didn't have vampire hearing, I would know Elena's words broke Stefan's heart. "Yeah. Yeah, I...I understand." She starts to leave when I call her "Do you want me to bring you home?" She dangles her car keys, shakes her head and walks away.

I sigh. "Baby, are you okay." Stefan looks towards me with his eyes brim with unshed tears. "Come here, Stef. Let's catch on some serious sleep which Katerina took away from us, okay?" He nods his head and we rush off to the Boarding house.

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