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Today was pretty special as today I finally reached the age and day sir in will talk to me again who is sirin you may ask well......

*Flashback to when Yvonne is 2 years old*

*Her dream*

Yvonne:where am i?

I went to sleep a while ago after that all I saw was a bright light blinding me and then I was here.
I was now in a plain lose white dress and I was older i looked around 15 years old .I look at the ground seeing my reflection and I was surprised i wasn't Yvonne i was me the original me i was kim soo-eun!

I wandered around in this place there was a beautiful spring sky above me the ground was like water reflecting the sky beautiful flowers and butterflies i almost thought I was in heaven but quickly my thoughts where cut by a voice

???: congratulations on successful contact with me master

It startled me i look behind to see a girl
With long blue hair with light blue ends and light strands between she had golden eyes along with a beautiful blue dress with gold pieces of armour
She looked at me with a smile on her

???:it's a pleasure to finally meet you master

Yvonne:who,who are you?

???:your manas master..


???:now that we have meet i can tell you everything

Yvonne:where are we and what is going on

???:we are in your conscious and every manas stays here until summoned

Yvonne:can you tell me what exactly is a manas?

???:a manas is a former deity an angel or spirit that is created when their masters are brought into existence and the deity and their masters soul combine into one soul creating a manas

Yvonne:then are you....My?

???:yes master i am indeed your manas

Yvonne:*for a situation like this why am I eager to ask more questions that are in my mind but then I can get answers on how to survive my end!*

???:as this is out first meeting and and next one will be when you turn 3 then you can get complete access to me and my power so if you have any questions you can ask now

Yvonne:what is yours purpose?

???:a manas only has one purpose and one goal which is to serve their masters to fullest of their capability.the only reason we have to exist is to be use of our master and help them reach their goals it doesn't matter weather their goals are good or bad.

Yvonne:do you know that I am not Yvonne?

???:i do not serve Yvonne i serve kim soo-eun because you occurring in this world caused an imbalance in the power system causing the energy to create me and I was made your manas

Yvonne:by the way why am I me?

???:it's your soul and Yvonne isn't your soul it's you so you are in your original form

Yvonne:this is crazy information but well I am a person who transmitted into a novel so I shouldn't think this the craziest thing.whats your name?

???:well I don't have one masters names manas

Yvonne:might as well hmmmmm how about sirin? sounds fitting for a manas
*Actually that's the name of a game character who will know*

Sirin:sirin thank you for accepting master until next time!

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