However, with the passage of time, there was no abnormality in the whole afternoon, and these people gradually relaxed their vigilance, because in their opinion, if there is a zombie in this base, no matter how tall the zombie is, It is difficult to resist one's own instincts. He must have tried to attack humans and hunt for blood. How can he bear it all afternoon?

    Seventh Uncle led a team and was searching floor by floor. Even after an afternoon of running around, he was still full of energy, but his face was expressionless and his eyes were cold. The mutant dog he was holding was also full of energy, stopping and sniffing all the way.

    It's just that the seven or eight men who followed him suffered a lot. During dinner, Uncle Qi didn't say anything, he didn't go to eat, and he didn't let them go. But now in the cafeteria, there is probably not even a little food left.

    In the last days, some people are hungry. Even if these people have undergone many rigorous inspections and their life has become much better after joining Yunxiang Base, no one wants to miss the not-so-rich dinner. It's a little better in the long night.

    The emotions of the team members gradually became more and more negative, and their dissatisfaction gradually reached its peak.

    But just when Uncle Qi was about to announce that those people were going to be let go, the mutant dog who had been leading him suddenly reacted and rushed out like an arrow.

    Uncle Qi didn't grab the iron chain in time, and when he caught up with the mutant dog, he found that it stopped in front of the room of the woman in question again.

    Moreover, by coincidence, that Xiao Han was also dragging two big boxes, standing at Gu Lan's door, as if he wanted to knock on the door.

    Seeing Uncle Qi and his group appear, Xiao Han's expression changed several times.

    "Why, are you planning to leave now?" Uncle Qi said with a bit of eccentricity.

    "Just getting ready first." Xiaohan replied indifferently, and then looked at the group of people seriously.

    "Knock on the door." Uncle Qi said with a sneer, then stared at the door.

    Xiaohan pursed her lips, regretting that she came here at this time. In fact, he had already knocked on the door twice just now, but there was no movement inside the door. He could be sure that there was indeed someone inside. The shallow breathing sound was almost ringing in his ears, but he didn't know that there was someone inside. Lan is inconvenient now? He didn't come to open the door for a long time.

    Looking at Uncle Qi and the others now, it seems that they want to search Gu Lan's room again, but they want him to knock on the door. If Gu Lan is really inconvenient, wouldn't it be his fault?

    It's just that, now that he is about to leave the base, he doesn't want to make too much trouble with Uncle Qi. Just when Xiaohan raised his hand and was about to knock on the door, the sound of breathing inside the door seemed to suddenly become heavy and chaotic, which made Xiaohan's face change.

    On the other side, Uncle Seven, who had been paying attention to Xiaohan, rushed over immediately, and kicked the door with a "bang" without saying a word.

    However, to everyone's surprise, this solid kick not only failed to kick open the seemingly weak wooden door, but made Uncle Qi hug his foot with a muffled grunt, and his face turned purple. stand up.

    "Uncle Qi, are you alright?" Xiaohan stretched out his hand to support Uncle Qi.

    "Get up, I don't need your help!" Uncle Qi shook off Xiaohan's arm, his face full of anger.

    "Break open this door for me, and I won't believe in evil anymore!" Uncle Qi said, pointing to a power mutant behind him.

    Just when the mutant took a deep breath and was about to bump into it, the wooden door creaked open from the inside, and then Gu Lan appeared in front of everyone with flushed cheeks and disheveled clothes.

    Gu Lan's short, broken hair was a little messy, and because of a lot of sweat, a little bit of it stuck to her cheeks. Her eyes were bright, but she stared at everyone coldly.

    The sound of swallowing saliva was heard, and several unsatisfied men were a little stunned. It's been so long since the end of the world, they have seen women before, but such pure and sexy/sensual women who are clean and beautiful are rare! Especially looking at her appearance and the messy bed seen through the crack of the door, this woman was probably doing some favorite things with the man lying on the bed just now, and now she is interrupted by them, I am afraid it is very uncomfortable !

    Regarding the details of Gu Lan, only those close to Wan Lingtian knew a little. But among the few men following Uncle Seven, there are some who don't know how powerful Gu Lan is.

    Immediately, a man reached out to touch Gu Lan's face.

    Xiao Han's face turned cold, and just as he was about to make a move, the man's hand was already grasped by Uncle Qi, and there was a click, and amidst the man's screams, the man's arm bent down in an unnatural arc.

    "You bastard! Have you all forgotten the rules of the base? How dare you do such a bastard thing in front of me! You will be expelled from the base and never allowed to come in again!" Uncle Qi reprimanded in a cold voice, and kicked The man kicked aside.

    Amidst the man's screams and begging for mercy, the others were silent, not daring to breathe.

    "Sorry for disturbing Miss Gu's rest." Seventh Uncle said politely, but his eyes were on Jiang Qing who was on the bed behind Gu Lan, and he had no intention of leaving immediately.

    "It's okay, you all worked so hard for the safety of the base. Why, do I need to search my room again?" Gu Lan crossed her arms and stared at Uncle Qi coldly.

    "There is no need to search, but this man needs to be checked and confirmed." Uncle Qi said coldly, and then took two steps forward, almost in front of Gu Lan, the distance between the two was less than a punch.

    "Whatever you want." Gu Lan dropped these two words, stepped aside and opened the door, walked to the chair beside the bed and sat down, then took out a bottle of mineral water from the Chaos Stone with a twist of her wrist and sipped there with.

    On the bed, Jiang Qing lay there quietly, his chest rose and fell slightly, as if he was asleep.

    Just when Uncle Qi touched the quilt with his hand and was about to lift it, Gu Lan's voice came lightly: "He is very tired, and he was slightly injured when he went out before, and now he finally fell asleep. If people wake up, I can't guarantee what the consequences will be..."

    The corner of Uncle Qi's mouth twitched uncontrollably, no one in the last days can really fall asleep peacefully, let alone the situation outside the door just now Noisy.

    He couldn't believe that this man was really asleep! But if people don't open their eyes, he can't accuse others of having to cooperate with him. Judging from his naked skin and facial features, apart from his pale face, this man has nothing to do with zombies. If he does anything else, it will be a bit unreasonable.

    Remembering what Wan Lingtian told him before to maintain a good relationship with these two, Uncle Qi pursed his lips, left the bed, walked to the cabinet in the room, opened it with his hand and took a casual look.

    With just one glance, his face changed...

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