Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

    Those zombie birds and zombies have a common characteristic, that is, they will never die when they see their prey.

    Either kill the prey for their own enjoyment; or be killed by humans, and then dig out their crystal nuclei.

    After Gu Lan and the others completely killed the group of zombie birds, more than two hours had passed, but then more zombies were alarmed, and then densely surrounded the small convenience store. . The number is probably as many as two or three hundred.

    Fortunately, although there are many of these zombies, most of them are ordinary zombies, which do not pose any danger, nor are they as powerful and fast as those zombie birds. They buy a little breathing time. After they all recover, kill them again.

    After everyone rested, they naturally noticed the man sitting on the side cleaning the mutated bird crystal nucleus.

    Ye Jing stood up in a huff, as if he still wanted to pester that person, but before he could speak, Yin Mulan suddenly said, "Everyone, come here and tell me the route to break out later." "Not yet!" Ye

    Huo He glared at his little friend.

    "Oh." Ye Jingqi replied reluctantly. According to his thinking, this man of unknown origin and uncooperative life and death should be expelled from the team.

    But seeing that Yin Mulan didn't greet that man, and that man didn't come over, Ye Jingqi felt much more comfortable, and immediately came over and obeyed the command.

    The others also ignored the man, and after discussing the breakout route, they concentrated on resting. With Gu Lan and Jiang Qing on guard, they were very relieved.

    At three o'clock in the afternoon, Gu Lan woke them up.

    "Hold the grass, this zombie seems to have doubled in size..." Ye Jingqi was startled when he woke up.

    Regarding this point, Gu Lan also felt strange. It stands to reason that after they calmed down, although the zombies around them refused to leave, the movement gradually became much smaller, but the zombies kept gathering more and more.

    If he hadn't asked Jiang Qing and clearly knew that there were no other control-type zombies in the vicinity except him, Gu Lan would have thought that there might be several control-type zombies hidden in the vicinity?

    "Gu Lan, these zombies are gathered after we fell asleep..." Yin Mulan pointed to the zombies outside and said with disbelief. There are so many zombies, and she can still stand by those shelves so calmly. Should it be said that she is a bold person with a high level of art? Or really stupid? In case those zombies swarmed up, she and Jiang Qing alone would definitely not be able to stop them.

    Nodding her head, she answered the question, and then Gu Lan asked, "Have you rested? You are ready to break out." "There are so

    many zombies, and our car is broken, how do we break out?" Yin Mulan Said a little excitedly.

    She felt that she should strike while the iron is hot just now, and when she killed those zombie birds, she should rush out immediately, so as not to be surrounded like this.

    "Get out." Gu Lan said lightly.

    Everyone else was choked by Gu Lan's words, and no one dared to answer. There are so many zombies, and they can't fly, how can they get out?

    "Jiang Qing, go find a car and drive here." Gu Lan finally spoke again, and then gave a slightly feasible order.

    Jiang Qing frowned slightly, and nodded after glancing at the man sitting beside him without moving.

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