19 | Roller Coaster

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A/N: Happy Birthday Beomgyu!

We left where Beomgyu had knocked on his father's office door and informed him about Soobin's arrival. Quickly after, he rushed to his bedroom in order to check his emails. He was sure Soobin's sudden presence at his own home at do to something with the contract of the families.

Not surprised, he received an email the night before by the same journalist he contacted before. The email looked like this:

Subject: Follow-up on Article Publication

Dear Sir or Madam,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to follow up on the article that was published yesterday, which features your perspective on the affair between the two Choi's. I wanted to thank you for taking the time to inform with me and share your insights.

Surprisingly, a similar request has been offered to us from someone else, which we added to this commentary aswell. I would like to share the link to the article with you, which can be found at http://dispatch/choi-affair.

Once again, thank you for your contribution to the article. I look forward to the possibility of working together in the future.

Best regards,

Hwan Mi-Yung

"I knew it" Beomgyu chuckled to himself, clicking on the blue link that was inserted in the email.

The article informed well about the fucked up contract, just the way Beomgyu wanted. Scrolling downwards, he couldn't wait to read the 100+ comments and opinions about it. With a grin, he continued to read the article word by word, until he stumbled on the last paragraph.

"Huh?!" Beomgyu held his face with his hands, standing up as he read the paragraph again. He himself couldn't believe that something else had been revealed to the public, something he didn't expect.

A sudden scream was heard from downstairs, with which he associated it to be Ha-ri's. Startled, Beomgyu headed outside to the hallway, to get a hold of the situation.

His father Hoomin was holding a deep conversation with Soobin, when he got interrupted by a crying Ha-ri. Bursting dramatically into the room, she began to shed tears as if she had never cried before.

"What's wrong my dear?" Hoomin has changed his attention to his beloved daughter, a concerned expression drew on his face.

"Dad", she cried out, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and totally ignoring Soobin.

Beomgyu was enjoying this scene from the top of the stairs with big interest. Maybe it was about the same thing he was also surprised about.

"Did you read this stupid article? Please tell me it's not true" Her voice trembled slightly as her eyes spilt even more tears.


"Oh yeah, that's what I came for here" Soobin intervened coldly. Both were expecting Hoomin to know about it.

"I don't think I have read it yet", Hoomin answered with an awkward chuckle and took out his phone from his pocket "I'll do it now if you don't mind it".

Beomgyu continued to pay attention to the open meeting, almost holding himself back his laughter as the facial expression of his step-dad continued to change drastically.

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