The Book behind the Cover : I

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1 week later..

"Hey, isn't it strange that Praxina hasn't yet attacked us?" I ask. We were in the garden house sitting at the table, while Auriana constantly irritated Talia somewhere about the performance outfits for their next concert. It was, really a big occasion as it was their 2nd, as I remember, concert at Riverdale Stadium. I still think as how I had adjusted myself around Auriana with her never ending chat. I, in my whole Ephidian life, have never seen a resident be so, to put it kindly, annoying.

Iris shifted her gaze to outside the window and at the lake. If was just 7 in the morning but it looked quite beautiful. "I don't know, but I think she's planning something. And if it's taking this long, then it must be something big." She said.

"I mean, that's quite obvious already." I thought to myself. Suddenly there was an air piercing screech followed by a squeal. "I wonder who that could be."

"HEY IRISSS! We need some help choosing our outfits!!" Auriana ran in screaming at us. "Do you think these, or these?" She laid down two groups of outfits. One was in the warm colour pattern while the other was a cold colour pattern.

Iris got out of her seat and held her hand to her chin, trying to pick the best group.

"Why don't you try dressing in shades of greens?" I offered.

"Omg yesss! You are so right!" Auriana replied instantly though I doubt she even gave a thought to it.

"Your welcome? Should I be grateful or worried?" I asked Iris as Auriana ran away squealing.

She turned to me, "Probably worried, who knows what 'green' clothes she makes. Just hope that she doesn't make us wear live plants." She laughed.

"Right." I replied. "I'm gonna go to my room, I have books to catch up on."

"Okay, I'll be in outside on the terrace with Talia if you need me." She replied and left without another word.

"Is it me, or is she a tad bit rude?" I muttered to myself.

I left the room and walked down the hall. "I wonder.." I muttered to myself as I walked into my room and stood in front of the bookshelf. "..If there's any spell books here." And started looking through the books.

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I walk into the living which looked like it was hit by a hurricane! "What happened here?"

"When you leave two not so smart and sensitive people with an innocent Amaru, this happens." Talia appeared from behind the couch carrying a bunch of stuff.

"Let me guess, Mephisto and Auriana? Wasn't she making your outfits?" I asked helping her clean up.

"She gets distracted quite easily which I think you already know."

"Not quite the 'hidden in plain sight' type of person, is she?" I joked.

"Not at all, more like the 'clown in plain sight' to be accurate." She responded and we both laughed.

"Hey! I heard that?! By the way, what do you think of these!!!" A squeal, which you can guess came from the doorway.

I turned around and saw Iris with Auriana standing beside her. "I'm just relieved there's no live plants here. So I think they're okay." She pointed out.

"I don't know, green on Talia? Doesn't sound right." Auriana commented.

I sat down on the couch and watched them figure out what they wanted for the concert. It is a special day, as much as it sounds, but they seem more stressed on the outfits than on the real performance. I probably shouldn't worry too much on it, it's really not my field of comfort.

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