snowfall on a hot night

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When I was a kid, I loved watching all kinds of superhero's on TV. They were mostly fun and pretty tame, but once the hero asked,

'Do you know what true happiness is'?

He pushes away from his desk, feeling the stiffness in his back and neck after hours of sitting. His eyes glance out the window, where the sun is starting to dip below the horizon, casting the sky in hues of orange and pink.

Without a second thought, he reaches out and takes hold of his skateboard, feeling the smooth wood and grippy surface beneath his fingertips.

He said he hated that his life might end before he knew the answer to that question.

He skateboards down a ramp from his window and he's off. Pushing his right foot on the ground to build up his momentum while balancing himself on his left.

And that basically we were lost because no one really knows the truth.

He does an ollie, landing back on the ground and doing a wide turn.

I thought, 'Well, that's messed up. You want kids to go that deep before they're even in school'?

He goes onto incoming traffic and latched onto the back of a truck, following it.

Is happiness being rich?

Hooking up with hot girls?

Getting into the best schools?

Climbing up social ladders?

He continued skating and does a trick on the side of a sidewalk.

I'm sure that's what a bunch of people want in life.

He jumps over a traffic cone.

But, that's not what gets me goin'.

And I gotta say.

He smiles.

I'm glad I figured that out early.

He soars through the sky, his hat falling off, but he doesn't care. His bright red hair sways and his eyes go wide in excitement as he laughs.

He hops on into a car on the passenger side. A man who was in the drivers seat, sleeping, awakened when he hears the younger boy shut the car door. He yawns as he starts the car again.

"You're late, Reki."

"I'm sorry, man." He buckled in his seatbelt and the car is off.


Nollie :

Unlike a regular ollie where they pop the tail of the board off the ground, she popped the nose of the board off the ground.

Before she did this, I saw her position her feet with the front foot near the nose of the board and the back foot near the tail. She leaned forward slightly and quickly snapped her front foot downward, causing the nose of the board to lift off the ground.

At the same time, she shifted her weight to the back foot to level out the board in the air.


She drives a car, late in night. Without looking to her side she asks the boy next to her a question. "Something wrong?"

"—No. It's just weird not to see snow everywhere." he said, looking away from the car window for a second.

* ˚ ✦ sidelines then skateparks (sk8 the infinity x male oc) * ˚ ✦Where stories live. Discover now