"I went to have someone sent for you," she says, hands clearly on her hips. She sets the candle on the sideboard and closes the door, turning to face me. "But they said you had returned."

The light robe she wears hides absolutely nothing and everything all at once. Her long curly locks are twisted at one side and held in place with a simple ribbon.

"I didn't anticipate you would be out so late," she says, twisting the tie of her robe in her hands. The bow slips out slowly as she does.

I grab her hands in mine, making her drop the edges of the rope before she undoes the robe — and me. "I didn't mean to worry you. I was just walking the grounds."

"I thought you might have left me," she admits, eyes floating down to her toes.

"I won't," I say in earnest, placing a kiss on the back of her hand. "I mean, not now."

"Oh," she says again. "Well, I'll just go to bed, then."

"You don't have to."

I'm so tired I might fall down.

"We're both tired," she says. "We can address everything in the morning."

"As you wish," I reply, dipping into a bow inexplicably. "I apologize for my delay this evening. I did not mean to alarm you."

"It's no matter," she says. "I am well. I will see you in the morning."

"Of course."

I step away from the door and in the dim light, I find my way back to the couch, resting my hand on the back and navigating my way to the front.

"What are you doing?" Catalina says from just behind me when my tired body hits the couch.

"Sleeping?" I say. "Or, that's what I was hoping to do shortly."

"I am sleeping here," she says, pulling her robe around her, arms protecting her abdomen as she does.

"You are sleeping in the bed," I demand, not moving.

"I am sleeping here." She stands taller now, letting go of the robe and placing her hands onto her hips.

"I don't want to fight about this right now," I sigh, scrubbing my hand down my face.

"Then don't. You're exhausted, and I need you to get me through tomorrow. I'm much smaller. I'll be fine out here."

Her delicate hand lands on my shoulder. I still haven't moved.

"Go," she says simply. The voice sends a shiver through me. She sounds just like she always does in my dreams. "Go rest, Marcos."

"Come with me," I say, in my exhausted state. Her hand pulls back suddenly and I realize I've said it out loud, not just thought it. "I'm sorry," I add quickly. "I shouldn't have—"

"Rest, Marcos," she says, but her smile flickers along with the low candle-light, refusing to reach her eyes.

The stubborn embarrassed part of me takes over and I lay down on the couch, pulling my feet up and resting my head in my hands.

"Move or I shall move you," she says. "I may be small, but I'm stronger than I look."

A low groan emits from my throat, completely against my will. "I do not doubt that, Catalina. But I am just as tired as I look. Please let me rest."

"I will. Once you go in there." I can't see her with my eyes closed, but her arm swishes by, like she's pointing to the bedroom.

I can't go in there.

Runaway Fiancés | ONC 2023 (Complete)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora