Chapter 86

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I am smiling at the little perfect boy in my arms... Steve had come running to the lab and after Tony and Nat told him what was going on and the fact i was refusing to move, he lifted me up and carried me to the med bay... 

Everything went so fast and 4 hours later our little boy was born... I had tried to take my pain away but i couldn't focus on it so i did it all natural but seeing our perfect boy made it worth it... I was exhausted but had already fed our little boy... Bruce had cleaned him up and checked him over. Bruce had fixed me up while Steve held our son cooing and whispering at him how much he loved him and how he made us so happy... 

Steve had been amazing helping me through it... I had cussed him out and i swear that even with his high pain tolerance i saw pain on his face as i squeezed his arm digging in my nails as i pushed... 

Steve was sitting next to me on the bed as Bruce had given us a moment with our little boy... He had the brightest blue eyes and the cutest nose... "He is perfect..." I whisper getting emotional and Steve kisses the top of my head... "He absolutely is... You did so good princess..." He whispers and i sigh... "Thanks..." I say a blush creeping on my face... 

"Little Steve jr..." I whisper and Steve smiles proudly... Steve at first didn't like the fact i wanted to name our little boy after him but he was now smiling proudly... There is a knock on the door and Nat appears... I look up and smile... "Can we meet the little one...?" She asks and i nod and she opens the door a little further and walks in followed by the rest... 

"Everyone i want you to meet... Steve James Nick Rogers..." I say smiling and Bucky looks at us shocked... "James?" He whispers and we both nod and Buck has the biggest smile on his face, but his eyes are filled with tears... The big strong stoic super soldier is now all emotional... "A boy... Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Capsicle..." Tony says grinning and i chuckle... Normally Steve would be annoyed at the nickname but today Steve couldn't care less...

"You want to hold him?" I ask James and he shakes his head and i look at him confused. "I better not... I dont want to hurt him..." He mumbles softly looking at his feet and i sigh... "Buck get your but over here dont make me ask again..." I say and he shuffles over to me, and Steve takes our son and gently hands him over to Bucky assisting him to hold him right and i smile as the big strong super soldiers turn into mush fawning over this little bundle it is the most adorable thing ever... 

"So, who won the bet." Tony says interrupting the moment and i roll my eyes... "Jarvis who won the baby bet..." Tony asks and i start laughing as Jarvis tells us that Clint has won with his prediction of a boy and 2 weeks early... "You couldn't hold him in for another week..." Tony says rolling his eyes and i laugh... "Yeah, your right what was i thinking... I will push him back in so you can win the bet..." I say rolling my eyes back at him and he chuckles... 

"Can i?" Nat asks and i nod and Bucky gently under strict supervision of Steve hands Steve jr over to Nat... Nat has the biggest smile on her face telling him that she is his auntie and that she is going to spoil him so much... I swear this kid is going to be the most protected and loved kid on earth... 

After everyone has held him for a few minutes welcoming him to the world Steve lays him on my chest again and i smile as he is asleep... Everyone leaves and i look at Steve... "Can we go up to our place... I would like to get comfortable..." I say and Steve nods grabbing the wheelchair and lifting me and the little guy up and put us down in the chair with ease... "Let's go home..." He whispers and i smile... Just before we want to leave the med bay there is a knock on the door and Fury walks in and i smile... "Sorry i just wanted to come and say congratulations..." He says and is smile... "We want you to meet Steve James Nick Rogers..." Steve says proudly and Fury is stunned... 

"We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you..." I explain and the man who never shows emotion looks at us stunned and i hand Steve the baby for him to let Nick hold him... "He is amazing..." Fury says and Steve and i now both smile... "Nick... I know it is a lot to ask... But the baby needs a grandpa..." I whisper and Fury smiles at us... "Grandpa Fury..." I say and his smile grows even bigger... "It would be my honor..." He says and hands the baby back over to Steve before hugging me while i am still sitting in the wheelchair catching me by surprise... "I am so proud of you..." Fury whispers and i blush... "Dont make me cry Nicky..." I mumble and Fury pulls back smiling... 

After Fury had left again, we finally make our way up to the apartment and Steve jr. starts to cry... Steve takes him from me and i watch him change the little guy's diaper being so gentle... He is a natural and i know he is going to be a great dad and our little one is so lucky to have him as a dad... I watch Steve take care of our little boy totally enamored by him and i know he will give his life to protect our little boy... 

"He has your eyes..." I whisper and Steve turns to me with a smile on his face and then looks back at Steve jr.... "Let's go take a nap..." Steve says and i nod smiling a his free hand wraps on mine and we walk to the bedroom.... I lay down and Steve puts the little one in the bassinet we had put in here and he smiles kissing me... "Go to sleep princess you need all the rest you can get..." I nod and close my eyes letting sleep take over...

SecretsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon