Chapter 85

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Steve had been gone for 2 days now... I was restless and Nat did her best to help me in every way i wanted... She slept next to me at night helped me get dressed and get up... She talked to our boy to keep him calm when i wanted to sleep she did everything i asked... Still i was a bit grumpy because i was missing Steve like crazy... More than i had ever done before... I kept having nightmares about him missing the birth which was crazy because i still had 5 weeks to go... 

My body hurt... The baby was kicking harder every day and although it was comforting to feel him move letting me know he is okay it hurt... I take as many naps as possible because a full night sleep is not in the cards... I think even Nat is getting annoyed at the fact that i need to get up 3 or 4 times a night and have to wake her up to help me get out of the bed... But she keeps smiling helping me as she had promised...

We have fun... I felt good today so we did a little shopping for the baby and with a few breaks i managed to stay out a little longer than i thought... Steve called when he could but i asked him not to talk about the mission as it only made me anxious... 

Another 2 days pass and i get into bed for the night with Nat's help and get comfortable with all my pillows and she smiles laying down next to me... She reads to the baby and i drift off to sleep... I wake up again to pee and want to wake Nat but as i rock her i notice the body next to me is so much heavier and when i look closely i start to cry because Nat is no longer there and in her place is Steve... I struggle to get up and crawl over to him ignoring the fact i have to pee and kiss him waking him up and he smiles and wraps his arms around me kissing me back...

"Hello princess..." He murmurs kissing me again and i start to struggle because if i dont get up to go to the bathroom now i will pee in the bed... "Need to pee..." I mumble and Steve chuckles getting out of the bed and helping me up... I waddle to the bathroom and do my business...

I waddle back out and pull all the pillows off the bed and Steve chuckles as i crawl in and let out a sigh getting comfortable using him as my pillow holding on to him tight... "Your home..." I whisper and i dont know why but i start to cry... "Is everyone alright..." I say sobbing and he pulls me closer... "Yes princess everyone is alright..." He whispers and i let out a sigh of relief...

"Did Nat take good care of you?" He asked and i nodded through my tears calming down a little... "I was thinking... What if we make Nat and Buck godparents..." I mumble and Steve moves a little and i look up at him having the biggest smile on his face... "I think that is a great idea..." He says and kisses me... 

"Steve?" I whisper and he hums in response his eyes closed again his hand on my back rubbing me up and down making me feel really comfortable... "Yes princess..." He mumbles... "I really want our baby to be Steve jr..." I whisper and he smiles... "You are not going to let that go, are you?" He says smiling and i sigh... "I think it is so cute... Little Steve James Nick Rogers..." I mumble and he grins... "We wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them..." I mumble and he sighs planting a kiss on the top of my head... "That is true..." He mumbles and i smile...

I am now 38 weeks pregnant... I know i am no fun to be around even though everyone says it is not that bad... I am cranky in pain and i waddle all around the compound not wanting to sit down because i am sick of it... I sigh and waddle into Tony's lab he is tinkering with one of his suits and i sit down on his chair... He hasn't noticed me yet as he is too caught up in his work and when he turns around, he jumps 2 feet in the air making me smirk... "Come on Tony i am huge there is no way you haven heard me come in..." I say and he chuckles. "You and that baby have stealth mode..." He says with a grin and i sigh... 

"So what made you waddle into my lab..." He says and i chuckle... "Boredom... Steve is training recruits with Sam and Bucky... Nat is off doing god knows what... Peter is hanging out with his friends... I dont want to annoy Bruce because he is going to be the one delivering my baby... Clint is with his family... So here i am... You are the only one left..." I say and he chuckles... "Nat is right here..." We hear Nat say walking in the lab and sitting down on the desk next to me... "How are you doing momma?" She asks me and i groan... She chuckles and i sigh... "Tony can one of your suits get me a cheeseburger..." I say pouting at him and his face lights up... 

I almost jump out of my skin when one of the suits takes off and he grins... "Payback..." He mumbles... "You almost scared this kid out of me..." I growl and he laughs... I wince as a stabbing pain annoys me... "You okay?" Nat asks looking at me worried as she sees me in pain and i nod... Another stab and i wince again... "Cleo... How many of these pains did you have today..." Tony asks walking over to me and i shrug my shoulders... "Can you help me up..." I mumble and Tony pulls me up and when he does a little bit of fluid falls to the floor and i look up at him and then at Nat... 

"Jarvis call Bruce and Steve to the med bay... It is baby time!" Tony yells and i look at him... "No... No no... I still have two weeks... And i want my cheeseburger..." I say panicked. "Nope we are getting you to Bruce..." Nat says jumping of the table and they lead me out the room as i am fighting them a little... "I am not ready... Stop i am not ready..." I keep saying over and over letting them lead me out... Another sharp pain and i have to stop walking... "Jarvis tell Steve to come to my lab urgently..." Tony says as i am trying to breathe through the pain...

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