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Han and Ravenna went back to the base first, knowing the plan if any of them get hurt or cut off at any point, they were told to go back. Ravenna sat on the hood of her car, looking at the bullet holes in the metal. Hobbs was going to have a lot of explaining to do when the higher ups found out about what happened in London, that wasn't something he could just explain easily. Han and Ravenna's cars were the least damaged, but still more damaged than they'd like.

"Felt weird, didn't it?" Ravenna looked back at Han. She turned, letting her legs hand off the side. Han walked over to her. "Being behind the wheel?" Ravenna did have to admit that it was a bit weird. After selling the Lexus when they decided to go off to the Asian countries, they both decided on getting motorcycles to travel around. It was easier and quicker to get places. Especially in Hong Kong, on those back streets and tight corners, it was easier for a motorcycle to get around.

Han stood between Ravenna's legs, placing his hands on either side of her. She placed her arms on his shoulders. "You're upset with me." Ravenna pointed out. Ravenna played with the ends of Han's hair. "I know you are. You are just trying to distract me." Ravenna stated.

Han leaned up, kissing her forehead. "You scared me shitless." Han said softly. "I saw you running, I didn't think, I just had to act." Han said, locking eyes with her. Ravenna moved some hair from his face. "Are you trying to kill me?"

Ravenna took Han's face, "If I wanted to kill you, I would." She smirked proudly.

Han rolled his eyes. Then moved quickly away from Ravenna when the roar of engines came towards them. Ravenna turned, wrapping her arms around her legs as Han picked up something to pretend like he was fixing something. Ravenna's eyes widened at the state of Roman and Tej's cars. "Holy fuck!" She exclaimed. "Are you two okay?" Ravenna asked. Han looked over, mirroring Ravenna's expression.

"We're fine, Raven," Tej reassured her when he got out of the car.

"This is crazy." Roman said. "We're not in Brazil. So, now we got cars flying in the air?" Ravenna and Han exchanged looks, wondering how much they actually missed. "On some 007-type shit? This is not what we do!" Roman complained.

Tej groaned. "Man, you really got to check that emotion. Your voice just went from Shaggy to Scooby-Doo." Ravenna's shoulders started to shake, hiding her face in her shoulder. Tej mocked Roman's voice that indeed went higher. Han went back to "fixing" whatever was wrong with the car.

"See, man, when a woman starts shootin' at you, that's a clear sign to back the fuck off!" Roman said. Ravenna didn't think it was half-bad advice, but in this moment, not so much. "We need to get the hell out of Dodge!" Roman said.

"Not without Letty." Ravenna shook her head.

Roman said nothing about that before changing the subject. "That could've been my forehead, man."

Tej looked at the broken windshield. "Naw, that's not as big as your forehead." Han and Ravenna looked at Roman, smiles on their faces as Tej walked off. Roman touched his forehead and head.


Ravenna sat on the table, kicking her legs back and forth gently as she looked at the pictures and profiles of Shaw's team. She wasn't sure what to make of them outside of them wanting blood. They wouldn't have put a sniper up on that roof if they weren't out for blood. As she looked over their profiles, Ravenna really wondered how Shaw came across them, and more importantly, across Letty.

Letty was confirmed to be dead, they held a funeral for her. According to Mia, no one did see the body because she was badly burned. But the medical examiner confirmed it was Letty Ortiz. It was the number one question that went through Ravenna's mind. If Letty was alive this entire time, wouldn't they have seen her sooner than this?

Dreamin' || Han Lue [returns 2026]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora