Rishi vs my dark side 🐺

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Ok so after the circus in the library I got really annoyed so I stomped over with my big fat boots over to the art department. I said "yo miss I hate my subject can I join yours?" Definitely not thinking about all the free trips I'd get.

"Ok sure!" My teacher replied so then I never had to go to computer science again. I breathed a sigh of relief "WHEW" knowing that [chapter coming soon]

So then me and my friends went to the Houses of Parliament for photography or something idk. And then I saw some lanky desk guy in a suit with an aggressive parting stomping even more than I could. I said "Hey hello your rich give me money" but he looked at me like I was a sardine and rolled his big eyes.

Well I wasn't having that.

I brought very big boots cuz we have to walk so much for the trips so I stomp stomped all the way there and said " I know who you are fishy rishi 😏" and he cowered in fear. My eyes blazed with terror as I snarled and bared my teeth at him. My braces were gone so I couldn't do much but that seemed to do the trick.

"BARK BARK WOOF WOOF!" I barked at him and he scurried off and his stupid jacket fell off. His hair gel didn't seem to do the trick either as he fled me while I was on all fours agressively barking at him bringing out the side I had always kept hidden from everyone else.

But then a voice rang out...

"Darling doggy where were you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2023 ⏰

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