Perfect Score , Bruised and Battered and Mirai Saiko

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Intro Theme



In a Hospital Room

Power: Give me the apple!

Denji: Get out of here! There is no apple for someone who has done almost nothing!

Power: How dare you say that?! If I hadn't pulled your cord you'd still have a bullet in your head! You should kneel before me!

Denji: Get out you coward!

Power: I'm not a coward!

Aki: Would you idiots shut up?

Denji/Power: Huh?

In a hospital room, after waking up a few seconds ago and hearing so much noise, Aki was seriously considering using his cursed sword on the two individuals who were with him.

Denji: Oh, you woke up, you recovered quickly huh

Aki looks away from them and looks out the window.

Aki: It was Rika, she partially healed my injuries and Himeno's, to the point where our lives weren't in danger.

Denji: Looks like Yuta is really serious about keeping Rika a secret.

Power: I don't understand him. I would have taken over the whole world with that power!

Denji looks at Power

Denji: Rika would kill you before she even thought about doing that.


They started fighting again, Power was pulling Denji's hair and pulling his horns.

Aki lets out a sigh

Aki: What happened while I was sleeping?

They stop fighting and Denji responds briefly

Denji: Most of the hunters who suffered the attack died. Only the tall guy with the scar, the short girl, the puke girl, the angel girl, the four-eyed guy and Yuta remain, but the four-eyed guy left the Bureau.

Aki looks at them again

Aki: I see....

Power and Denji keep looking at Aki for a few moments and then they get up.

Denji: Makima called us so Power and I are already leaving okay?

Power was already at the door

Power: I just came to eat the apple they gave you as a gift....

But someone would open the door before her. It was Yuta who would look directly at her.

Power: uh.....

She turns around and places the apple next to Aki.

Power: But I'm in a good mood so I'll give it to you! Come on Denji!

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