The first time I felt free

48 5 13

Y/n's pov
I sat and waited around for my name to be called, I had waited for this moment my entire life. Okay maybe not that much but for quite a few years I've waited for this very day; graduation day.

I watch as people shake the hands of the teachers, acting as if they care about how much they've taught them. Everyone knows they don't.

I see some parents crying along with friends who won't see each other again. It's quite simple if you want to keep your friends after graduation, keep in touch, hang out, and talk.

It's not that hard.


I hear my name being called and I stand up fast and cross the stage, quickly shaking each teacher's hand. I am dying to get out of here. This place is so depressing, I thought graduation was going to be fun. Instead, im here in a room full of silence and the occasional sob of a mother crying about her dick head of a son has grown up and the popular girls , who finally managed to behave well enough to make it through the year and graduate, taking pictures with each other knowing damn well they won't see each other ever again.

I take my diploma and quickly get off the stage away from all the eyes glued on me. Great just another half an hour to go until this is over.


I speed-walk my way home, eager to arrive.

I turn the corner of my street and begin to run to my house swinging open the door and slamming the door shut once inside and sinking to the floor.

I hate public events. Always have. Always will.

I hate the way I feel when people are watching me. The way their eyes give me a sense of anxiety. The way I feel petty when im the centre of attention.

It just freaks me out. This is funny because soon im going missing, soon my face will be all over the tv. Soon new jersey will know who I am and that I've gone missing as well as my friends Ray, Gerard, Frank, and Mikey.

All 5 of us.

Oh God, this could all go terribly wrong.

I pull myself up off the floor and saunter upstairs. I swung open my bedroom door and looked about, I didn't have a suitcase to put anything in, my parents never took me on holidays, and they never cared enough for things like that. So I just grabbed whatever bags I could find and stuffed only my favourite clothes in them, so I could have more space.

I decide to take a shower to refresh myself.

Walk over to my bathroom and gather some towels, gently laying them on the toilet. I slip out of my graduation gown and get into the shower, turn on the hot water and feel it pour down my body and drip off my h/c hair. I flip my hair back and grab the shampoo and lather it all over my hair, ruffling everywhere before rinsing it off. I do the same with the conditioner and body wash before turning the shower off and wrapping myself in a towel and heading towards my bedroom.

I dry myself off and blow-dry my hair before deciding what to wear.

I decide on a red fishnet top with a leather jacket that's filled with stitched-on patches and button pins. I put on my half-and-half black and red shorts with my favourite belt and some black thigh-highs with 3 red stripes at the bottom. I finish the outfit with my red boots. May as well go out in style.

I check the outfit out in my full-length mirror sitting in the corner of the room. It looked pretty sick.

As I sit at my vanity desk doing my makeup I hear my phone begin to ping.

Cool people

Are you guys ready, Dr. D is setting off for the border in 20 mins

I opened my phone and checked our group chat. The plan is, we steal a car and drive to the New Jersey state border and meet Gerard's friend Dr D or Dr death, I've never really gotten much information about him, who would drive us into Pennsylvania or Ohio.

I finish doing my eyeliner and text the group chat that I would be around the meetup spot in a few. This was a place we would always go to meet up with each other, it wasn't much, just an old broken tire swing behind a row of shops.

I decide to leave a note on my mirror for when my parents get back from their extended holiday, they would always claim it's for work but I know for sure they just can't be bothered to take care of me.

I'm not coming back, don't miss me too much

I stick the sticky note on my vanity and with that, I make my way to the door. Funny story when you think about it, the school outcast punk kids run away together to live a life of crime to survive

I chuckle at myself as I make my way outside. I love this time of year, winter. The atmosphere is just so relaxing. Everything is calm and still. I can see my breath in the air. The dark sky and stars just give it a great touch as well.

I take one last look at my house. It's never really felt like home. No house ever has. All the walls just carve themselves with bad memories and decay over the years. I shake my head while whispering under my breath "good residence" and walking off.


Once I arrive and meet up with Ray, Mikey, Gerard and Frank we look for a car.

This was only something we did now and then, and Ray was the best at it. When I first came upon Ray I never would've thought that he'd be a mastermind for stealing cars, who would've known?

We find one that has space for all 5 of us and our stuff, and let Ray work his magic.

After Ray sorted the car out we all shoved our stuff in the boot (trunk im just British) and clamoured inside.

Frank and Gerard sat in the front, Frank being the one driving and I was squashed in between Mikes and Ray.

Frank managed to connect his phone to the car speaker to play and with that, we got going.

This was the part I was excited about. The part I constantly dreamt about.
They getaway drive. The loud music. The laughs. The don't look back attitude. It's finally come true.

I look around and see all my friends Mikey, Ray, Frank, and Gerard. All of them singing their hearts out to the music with the windows down and driving on an empty open road. I feel a smile on my face. A genuine smile. I feel happy. This is the first time I've felt free. As if I've broken the chains that tied me to this town. As if the storm could that hung over my head for the past few years has finally just lifted. I feel free and happy.


A/N 1,216 words for my first chapter! I'm really excited for this I've got a great idea for Gerard x readers' relationship which I hope you'll like, thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy.

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