Chapter 13

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The mage ran into the room and sreamed "HELP! THE CAPITAL IS UNDER ATTACK!" I emediatly calmed down and Noelle and the others came over to us so we could think of a plan. Siren used his stone magic : stone model of the world so we knew where the attacks were consentrated. "What are we even waiting for. There are people who need our help." Asta exclaimed and ran to the door. "I agree with Asta." Before I went after him I walked over to Noelle and gaver her a kiss on the cheeck. She blushed and I just smiled running after Asta and sensing that Leo was also following us. As we went into the city I open protals for every citizen that I saw and than I saw what was attacking us. Some zombie like creatures that seemed to be controlled by someone. While I ran to the mana signiture that all those zombies had I killed them left and right with my mana sword that easily overpowered the mana of the enemy and nullefied it. I reach the mana signitur and saw Asta protecting a little girl from some corpses while some weird looking guy that had red bandages all over his body keep summening new ones. "Asta. Is everything okay." "Yeah, I can handle this." He says while killing more corpses.

I went over to the small girl and huged her telling her everything will be alright. Then I open a portal and she went through it to safety. I looked up and saw that Leo was now here as well. "Why are you attacking innocent people. I will defeat you, no matter what!" Asta says while charching at the enemy, while I just used my sword and strenghtend body to cut the corpses down. Suddenly the guy summens some differnt corp that shoots some kind of curse magic from what I can tell. It scraches Asta's cheek and leafs a bleading spot. "Number Four, Jimmy. None of them are innocent, they are all sinners and I will distroy anyone that doesn't understand my magic." The enemy says with a wicked smile.  Jimmy attacks Asta with his cures bulettes and he tries to cut through all of them, the ones he misses get absorbed by my spatial magic: space eater. I move past Asta with smoth movements while avoiding the enemys attack. As soon as I'm close enouth I use my sword to cut Jimmy in half. "Don't let that attack get to you Jimmy. Hey, Jimmy!" The bandaged bastard yells at the defeated corps. He looks at me with a glear and then starts laughting. "Don't get cocky, you little brat! Come forth, Alfred." He summens another corps that has no limps and is flowding in the air with lightning around it. Alfred shoots lightning at me but I just step out of the way. I looked behined me cause I felt a familiar mana. There was Noelle beside Leo and she looked worried at me. I went over to her knowing Asta could take care of him. "What's wrong princess? " I ask her softly. "I'm just worried about you." She answers. I just smile at how sweet she is and reasure her that I will be fine. "Y/N, what happened when Asta was covering my ears?" She asks and I tell her that I will explain everything later to her. She gave me a quick kiss and then I went back to Asta who was still trying to defeat Alfred.

Because he is flowding Asta can't rech him with his sword, so I create my bow and arrows aiming at Alfred and shooting him in the head . He just stops attacking us but isn't down yet, but before I can shoot another arrow to kill him, he gets burned. I look behind me to see captain Fuegoleon walking over to us. "Please frogive me for interupting your fight but I felt like I had to step in. I'm sorry. Asta you are very strong although you have a lot to learn. And Y/N you are even stonger, probaly on the same level as a magic kight captain. You have my respect." He says giving Asta and me a proud look while Asta semed to beam with joy I gave him an acknowleging nod. Durring all that little conversation the enemy guy summened another corps that is fighting Noelle and Leo, but they don't seem to have a problem fighting it.

"Asta, you said you wanted to become the wizard king, right?" Fuegoleon asks. "What? He the wizard king. How could someone weaker then me become something like that?" Rades laughts. Fuegoleon ignores him and looks at Asta with a smirk saying "Then I guess you're my rival, too." Fuegoleon steps forward and gets ready to fight. Suddenly Asta starts running forward screaming "I'm not done yet. I can still keep going." I just stand there wondering how he managed to stay alive for all this time, being the idiot he is. Before he can jump back into the fight he gets karate choped by Fuegoleon making him hold his head and whine about it. "Ahhhh, what was that for?" Asta whines. "You can't keep fighting in such conditions. If you want to become strong then you should also look at your bodys condtion, to make sure you don't die." He says sturnly. "Yeah Asta, Captain Fuegoleon is right. Look at you. You're barraly standing. We will take care of this, while you try not to die. Got it?" I said and Asta just noded dishearted.

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