16. Bang

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Mitch finally woke up after a few more minutes, he looked well rested. He didn't talk for a while, just instead sat there with his arms crossed. Also possibly zoning out. You had talked with Aasim and Omar for only about five more minutes before you all eventually got bored talking about random things. Besides, you think they were getting tired of you asking them to help you make up random jokes. You decided to flick and pick at the rusted metal pieces that were coming off the door in the meantime.

Mitch stood up and dusted the dirt and dust from the floor off his pants. "You feel like talking me to instead of ruining your fingernails?" You shrug at him and pick off the piece of metal you were messing with, wiping your hands on your turtleneck rather than the jacket. "You know what time it is?"
"Why would I? I don't see a clock do you?" You raise a brow at him, "What crawled up your ass and died while I let you get some sleep?" He shook his head but said nothing.

You suddenly hear gunshots outside the boat. Shouting too. "Well, since you stayed awake, any clue what the fuck is happening?" You shrug, "Why would I? I don't see any clues do you?" He huffs and rolls your eyes at your mockery. You see a few raider people run by the cells. Although one with a crossbow stayed behind. Lilly ordered her to.

"That's Minerva, well.. Minnie." You turn and notice Mitch standing right next to you. You didn't even know when he decided to move but damn, he appeared. You look out of the cell to get a better look at her. So that was Violets girlfriend. She must've made a good choice before, but now, you weren't so sure. She was on the raiders side now. "Tenn had another sister too right? Know where she is?" Mitch shook his head, "Never saw her once." He looked out of the cell as well.

Minnie eventually noticed you both staring at her. Her crossbow was aimed down as she walked to your cell. "You really think siding with them is a good idea? They took you and Sophie away for gods sake!" She frowns, "The delta has shown me everything I've needed to learn. It's worth fighting for. Unlike the school I was put in to be corrected for nothing." Jesus Christ. What did the delta do to this girl? "Minnie?" She turned, looking over towards Aasim and Omar. "Violet isn't going to be very happy about this you know?" Mitch steps even closer to the cell, Minnie turned aiming her crossbow at him. "I already saw her along with.. Clementine." Her face held anger that quickly disappeared so neither of you could see it. But you noticed. "After you and I met again, they found me. I don't care what she thinks because I know what the best option is." She turned, marching back over to where her watching spot was. "Well apparently you don't! Because this is the worst fucking option to exist!" Mitch hits the rusty cell door and a lot of rust comes off of it afterwards.

"She's changed a shit ton." Aasim sounded astonished. "Well it has been a year.." Omar whispers, more to himself. "Right." Footsteps in the hall got your attention. They came from somewhere near Minnie. It sounded like the raider lady from a long while ago.

"Minerva. Focus." Minnie seemed stressed, "I.. have a little brother. Short, scarred face. Is he.. he's not out there is he? Please don't tell me he is." She looked almost desperate. Very different from the attitude she was giving Mitch earlier. Seemed Tennessee was the only one she really cared about. Of course, it IS her brother after all. "Look we've discussed this. Your family is delta now. There ain't no room for anyone else." Goddamn, wonder how many people she lost. "Yes ma'am." She says after a moment. She sounded upset but the lady left it at that and left. Minnie stayed though, guarding.

You watch her stance suddenly change, you couldn't see that far so you didn't know why. She raised her crossbow quickly, "Get. Out." She grunted, agitated. "Not without our people." You silently cheered hearing Clementine's voice. Mitch's face even showed a small smirk. "I swear to god if you got Tenn caught up in all this.." Her voice wavered, "Just.. just tell me that he's safe." It was quiet for a minute before Clementine spoke up, "Tenn told me he forgives you." Those words seemed to have done it, Minnie muttered 'Shit' and lowered her crossbow.

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