15. Jail Time and No Cards

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Your cell door opened as well, revealing Lilly. "Well." Both you and Mitch don't move, doesn't matter what her response is to seeing you two having fun at the worst times. "You've all certainly gave me a challenge. You've got fire, I think that's what'll make you both great additions to the team." You raise your hand, giving her the middle finger. Mitch looks at you and does the same.

"Yeah okay, that'll get you somewhere." The raider lady from a while ago walks up behind Lilly, looking over her shoulder at you both to make sure you didn't try anything. Lilly walks further into the cell and signals the woman to shut the cell door. She does so once she exits the room, now leaving Lilly alone with you both. "Fuck off old lady." Mitch grunts, his fists tightening. You were kinda glad you weren't holding his hand at the current moment, probably would've cut your circulation off by how hard his grip was. His knuckles were even turning white just from staring at the woman.

"What'd be the fun in that." She sighs, sitting on the bed, facing you both. "I'm sure you'll all like it here once you see the point in working with us." She looks around as if just now remembering something. "Abel must be busy with your friends." She pulled out a switchblade, twirling it in her hand. "At this point he's hopefully already dead. Him and Clem already had way too many bad moments." You couldn't help the smile that appeared on your face. "You haven't known him that long like I have. I think he'll be fine. If he isn't, unlikely, I'll use someone to replace him easily." Her eyes stopped on you before slowly looking at her knife.

The raider lady opened the cell, in walked another man who the raider lady followed in after. "Though, we should work on the attitude." She stands up a bit fast but makes no move to do anything. "Maybe we should cut their tongues off." The man suggests. Mitch's glare moved to him. The man shifted, looking a little unsettled. "No. How about.." She messes with her knife, and looks at you both. But she's interrupted by the raider woman speaking up, she whispered to her and Lilly groaned, disappointed and followed them out. Not speaking another word as she more or less slammed the door.

"Pathetic." Mitch scoffs as they're completely out of sight. "Damn right." You feel Mitch lean his head on you, tired. You both said nothing as he fell asleep quite quickly. It was comfortable silence. You could hear Aasim and Omar talking to each other about what happened and reminiscing memories with each other. It was nice, minus the realization that you're in a jail cell.

You stay up as long as you could, watching just in case they came back. But they didn't. Not for a few hours. So you decided to fall asleep too, leaning your head back against the wall.


"Gracie!" Tamara runs back towards the lit up house after making sure you were okay. A few cuts, and a bloody arm but you were relatively okay . "I'm fine!" Gracie says, climbing out the window with Tamara's help. You run up to them, gripping the knife they gave you a while back tightly. Tamara then turned to you, her jacket was wrapped around her waist, giving you a view of her bitten arm. "No matter what happens, promise me you'll stay alive for me, for us. Alright?" You nod quickly, now noticing the zombies surrounding.

"Gracie, what do we-" Tamara's mouth was left agape as she watches Gracie get devoured. "Gracie!" You scream, although it did nothing. Gracie seemed too shocked to scream during her death. But she was able to mutter a barely audible choked 'I love you guys.' Before her body went limp within the walkers. "NO! Gracie!" Tamara cried, gathering more attention towards you two. "Tam, we have to go! Please!" She looked towards you, giving you a small hug before shoving you toward an almost empty path out of the forming horde. "I'm already bit kid. Ain't nothin' good coming from that." She huffs, throwing her axe over her shoulder. "I'm glad we found you all those years ago." She gives you a smile before turning around and splitting a walkers head open. "Love you kid!" You run from the scene, disappearing into the woods and eventually after enough running, you find a small shack.

You crept in, your bloody arm still dripping blood. It hadn't been that long ago anyway. You rip up a piece of cloth you had with you and wrap it on your wound. You didn't have much, so you would just have to deal with the infection until you could find something for it.

You had stayed in the cabin for about a week before the door suddenly opened. Revealing two girls, and a guy, one of the girls with a cleaver and the other with a torch while the guy carried a bow and had a very terrible haircut. They scared the shit out of you.


You jolt awake again, your head felt a little better, the wound only burned from lack of treatment. You'd say it's probably going to get infected. You roll up one of the sleeves of Mitch's jacket, revealing your scar from not a long time ago. It did end up getting infected. But once the 'Troubled Youth' found you, they helped you. And that led you here. To this hell. What a wild ride.

Mitch was still sleeping luckily and didn't feel you jump awake. Your cell door opens, a male raider walking inside with a first aid kit. Must've fixed up Omar's leg or is going to afterwards. You narrowed your eyes at him but he ignored you, sitting in front of you and getting to work. Another raider walked inside with their gun out just in case.

The male raider opened the kit, digging through the stuff and pulling out a bit of rubbing alcohol and a piece from a paper towel, soaking it in the alcohol and first cleaning the dried blood off your face. Then he moved it to the wound, it burned like hell but you reminded yourself that Mitch was still asleep, so you kept yourself as quiet as you could managed, which was just a few hisses in pain. He then wrapped a small bandage around your head, you moved your bangs (or if you don't have any ignore this) up so it could cover the bandage when it went on. And he was done, he packed the kit back up and walked out, the raider with their gun out looked slightly impressed and left. Not forgetting to lock the cell door on the way out.

"You alright?" You can hear Omar ask through the bars. You maneuver Mitch's head to laying back on the wall, carefully to not wake him up and stand. You walk to the cell door, giving Omar a thumbs up. "Mitch is still asleep somehow. I'm letting him have this." Omar nods and sticks his hands out the bars to rest them on something. "My leg feels a lot better." He says making his leg tap against the floor. You couldn't see it but the sound had echoed a small bit. "That's good. I hate rubbing alcohol." You pointed to your head. He smiles, "Me too. That stuff is shit." You look over at Mitch who had mumbled something in his sleep but you couldn't exactly make out what he said. "You're telling me. Wheres Aasim?" He wasn't at the cell door with Omar. "I'm here." He calls out and walks up to the door, "I was just thinking how we're getting out." You had thoughts, but you didn't want to try them. Plus, in case your group did come, you wanted to be here so they came for a reason. "Hopefully it's soon, my back and neck are killing from leaning against that wall for so many hours." You stretch a bit, popping your neck and back. "God! Ew don't do that! I could hear that from here!" Aasim complains walking away from the door. "He doesn't like that, nor me cracking my knuckles." Omar laughs silently, cracking his knuckles. "Seriously?!" Aasim shouts, you shush him, "Keep it down man." Aasim was out of sight but you could hear him sigh. "Right, right. Forgot." Omar glances at Aasim before looking back at you. "Suppose you don't have any cards right?" You check your pockets but know you don't have any, even checked Mitch's jacket pockets, still nope. "I think I'm done with cards for a long while anyway." You let out a chuckle. "Oh thank god." You hear Aasim say. "Thank god indeed." You agree.

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