Chapter 2

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Ron shivered with fear when Draco and his eyes met. It was easy for both Draco and I to scare a Weasley. As it didn't take much effort for as well known people like Draco and I to do so.

"Weasley? You brought Weasley?" Draco hissed.

"Dim wit wanted to come, I supposed if he gets hurt he wouldn't come near again, but, that sadly didn't happen. I couldn't make any excuse to kill him yet" I said, putting on a sad face. I looked towards the other figure, whose face was hidden in the shade of both his (or hers) cloak and the trees.

"You brought Goyle I suppose?" I muttered. Goyle wasn't half as bad as Crabbe in my opinion, but I hated both of them for reasons unknown.

"Wrong" Draco smirked, he looked at Ron, then to me with a smile on his face that only I could understand.

"Ah, Voldemort" I smiled.

Ron looked at me, "you're happy? He brought v-v-Voldemort" he stammered. "the dark lord, he brought the worst person possible, Tabitha!"

"Please. He's not even that bad!" Draco and I said in unison as Voldemort lowered his hood.

"Now you tell anyone about this and you - you will be getting the unforgivable curse" I said, pressing the tip of my wand into Rons chest. He stumbled backwards a few steps and stood silently.

Draco and I sat with Voldemort leaned against a tree. We talked of what our parents have been planning, asking Voldemort if he could try to get information on it.

"You want me to spy on your parents conversations mr. Malfoy and ms. Bane?" He asked, you see, Voldemort practically loves Draco and I.

Ron and Crabbe stood, looking at Draco and I in disgust that we were with Voldemort. Occasionally, the three of us would hear them say something rude, and Voldemort would mutter a fake curse under his breath. This caused a laugh to arise from Draco, himself, and I.

After telling Draco and his company goodbye, Ron and I headed to my manor in complete silence. Or almost.

"Wait until your father or mum find out you've been talking to He-who-must-not-be-named" Ron said, worriedly.

"Come on Ron. Are you that ignorant? My parents are already Death Eaters, and we have him over at our house, or we meet at the Malfoys Manor for meetings" I said, blatantly. Ron gasped. "And, do I ever find out you've told anyone about today, you will be killed, or at least wiped of all of your memories at the least" I growled, putting down my hood and hiding my wand again. We opened the door to my manor and stepped inside as quietly as possible.

My father and Rons father were in the big meeting room, talking about work. Both of them worked with the Ministry of Magic. Ron and I proceeded to walk into the great room, where Rons mum and siblings sat with my mum. His mum gasped when she saw him with me.

"And WHERE have YOU been RONALD WEASLEY?!" His mum thundered. Still, I don't understand how his family are pure-bloods. It's almost a disgrace to us, if you ask me, or the Malfoys. I made my way over to my mum as Ron told a lie about how he and I were just playing Quidditch, which, when his mum looked at me, I nodded with a smile.

I excused myself when I heard our front door opening. One of our house-elves, Dobby, was leading our visitor, who happened to be Lucius Malfoy, to the conference/meeting room.

"Hello Miss Tabitha!" Lucius exclaimed as he neared.

I stood still, then, I said, "Evening Mr. Malfoy!"

"You're much welcome to go over to my manor and hang out with Draco if you want, miss Tabitha" Lucius smiled at me.

I nodded, and walked to tell my mum I was going to the Malfoy Manor. Fred and George rolled their eyes.

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