✧There can only be one winner ✧

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There will be some Scaramouche
fighting scenes in the next few chapters but because he doesn't weal a vision yet I just kinda imagined it like in the old Scaramouche fanfictions that he has some dark magic/electro power.

Ik it's not confirmed what his power looked like or actually was before he had his vision.
(Probably did somewhere)
He can also fight with every weapon in this book. Kinda sounds stupid rn but you'll see...
Like imagine Scaramouche fighting with a sword.
I would like to see that.
Anyways that's all I wanted to say!

I will advise you to answer my questions or you will regret it"
The red-haired male spoke while a claymore appeared on his back

"Then so it will be"
You exclaimed with a smirk.
The male gritted his teeth as he understood that you would not give in.
He pulled the gigantic sword out that rested on his back seconds ago and tightened his grip on it
"Don't take this personally"
He coldly spoke as he aimed the sword's blade toward your still-fallen figure. The moment you realized that he was about to attack you, you rolled to the side.

The noise of the blade hitting the hard wooden floor filled the room. You looked to your side. Seeing the claymore's blade being stuck in the floor. The male aggressively pulled it out and once again got into the position to attack.
You quickly stood up to have a better chance of fighting back.
The male smiled for a second before uttering

"You really think you have the chance to keep up with me?"
"Your just another Fatui guard, no need to try"

Rage filled your mind as you heard him say such a thing. You took the sword out that Scaramouche gave you on the way here and aimed it forward at the male.
His grip tightened as he saw you approaching him.
Suddenly he rushed forwards, slashing his claymore at the level of your knees.
You reacted to his motion by jumping over the blade and dogging the attack.

You could see that his patients were running low every moment his movements became more brutal. Just as you were about to rush forward to make your next move, he threw his weapon at you, aiming it right at your head. You barely dogged it by moving your head to the side. Though, a small cut appeared on your cheek. You wiped the blood from your wound with your hand away. Giving the male before you a cold glare you returned to your original fighting position.
Suddenly you noticed that something behind you caught his attention.
You turned around noticing that the claymore was still stuck to the wall behind you.

So he was completely defenseless...

You quickly turned around but it was already too late.
The male rushed to your figure grabbing you by your neck he pushed you against the wall
"I told you, there is no need to try."
He whispered in your ear as he continued to press you against the wall.
He then pushed you to the spot where the claymores blade was stuck to. You tried fighting against his movements but to no avail.
You had no chance of winning this fight.

Your neck and the claymore's sharp side of the blade were only inches apart. Just as you were about to give in you heard some strange noises. There was some kind of dark magic filling the room you were in. The male's grip on your neck suddenly became loose. confusion filled your mind as you saw him fall unconscious to the ground right before your eyes.
As you were about to step out of the mess your vision suddenly became black.

♡ • ♡ • ♡ • ♡

You found yourself in a flower field. Such a stunning view.
Everything seemed so happy and admirable. But you couldn't get rid of the feeling that someone was watching you.
You stood up trying to find out if any chance if you were right.

You walked

And walked

And walked

But there was none.

The only thing you saw was flowers.

And a door.

You hurried your way there. Slowly opening it you saw a dark room behind it.
Compared to the room you woke up in it looked like to total opposite.

It was bright, Colorful, and had a happy and fun vibe.

But the room behind the door looked
Cold, Colorless, and sad.

Just as you were about to close the door you felt someone pushing you in. You fell to your knees as you entered the cold place.
Looking behind you there was no one.
As you turned your head to the front again you suddenly saw the same figure from your last dream again. It looked at you with a bright smile saying

"Where you looking at"

Your hands began to shake

"Who are you...?"

You anxiously questioned.
It looked at you with disappointment

"I already told you silly, I am your brother."
"Don't you remember?"

"Where are we...?"

You asked with fear hinting in your voice

"I am truly disappointed that you don't remember this place"

"What do you mean?"

"This place is your heart Y/N"

The person spoke with a small smile.
Your eyes whined as those words escaped his mouth.
Suddenly you felt the floor below you disappearing.
It all broke into a million pieces.
And your vision became black again.

♡ • ♡ • ♡ • ♡

You woke up with a loud gasp escaping your lips. Lying in a bed you tried to Recognise your surroundings till you heard someone's voice beside you.

"Finally, you're awake again"

You turned to your right to see scaramouches sitting right beside you. He was swiping some blood off your sword with a handkerchief, through not only that but his hands and face were splattered with it
"Took you long enough"
He exclaimed with relief
"What happened?!"
You questioned with anxiety
"You lost consciousness after I took out the red-haired guy"

"That was your Power?!"
You questioned with a shocked look
"Indeed it was, now get back to sleep or your wounds won't heal till morning"
Scaramouche said with annoyance.
You slightly nodded before pulling the blanket over your face and lying down on your bed again, now facing the walls side.
As you finished finding your perfect sleeping position you heard Scaramouche silently whisper
"And don't you dare fight without me again"

This was so rushed omg.
Btw Scaramouche and Y/N are in the same bed in the last part.
And yes it is in Scaramouche's room.
Anyways see you in the next chapter!!

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