28 The perfect place

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Lily POV

In the meantime, a few weeks had passed since we had returned from Hawaii. And every single day Mom tried to convince me how nice it would be if we got married there. I had to admit that it sounded very tempting, but it just wasn't realistic. After all, all the kids were going to be there and it just wasn't practical because the date we had chosen wasn't during the vacations. In addition, there was our respective work.

It would mean that the children would have to fly 12 hours there for one day and then 12 hours back again. For me personally, that was also too exhausting. Besides, I only wanted a small wedding. Just Roman and I, the kids and our parents. I've never been a fan of big, elaborate weddings. With Roman, I had everything I needed by my side.

After the boys and Maya were in bed and Jojo was on the phone with a friend, Ro and I were now sitting on the couch in the living room making plans for the wedding. However, this turned out to be a bit difficult without a location.

"Hey guys.... what are you doing?" asked Jojo as she came into the room and sat down next to her dad.

"We're looking for a place to have the wedding, but your dad is pretty picky," I replied.

"That's not true. I'm just looking for a beautiful, unique place. I'm only doing this for you so everything will be perfect." he replied.

"Hey, if it's up to me we can go to City Hall instead." I laughed at his pouty face.

"Out of the question. That's lame. I bet we can find something better." he said.

If only it were that easy. I would have loved to have a wedding on the beach. But since Roman had already had such a wedding and I definitely didn't want a copy of it, the beach was ruled out.

"Dad, do you remember that park where we once went with the grandparents? The one with the waterfalls? It was so beautiful there. Wouldn't that be an idea?" said Jojo suddenly.

"Oh! Princess, you are a genius! Rainbow Springs..." said Roman and started typing like crazy on the laptop.

It didn't take long until he showed me the first pictures. And I had to admit that it looked really breathtaking. The light falling through the trees and the water glistening in the sun.

"What do you think, baby girl?" he asked me as he turned his head towards me.

"Wow, that's... wow! But is it possible to get married there?" I wanted to know as I was still staring at the pictures. 

I hoped and prayed that it was possible, because it really was the most beautiful thing we had seen so far.

"According to what it says here, it is possible. We can rent some bungalows to stay there. And there are several places in the park where the ceremony can be held." he explained to me.

Then he slid the laptop over to me to show me everything in detail. I knew immediately that this was exactly what we were looking for. It was special and just right for our small, intimate celebration surrounded by our loved ones.

Tears ran down my cheeks as I imagined taking the man I loved so much as my husband.

"I guess she likes it," Jojo whispered to Roman.

"I think you're right, princess. I guess you just helped us find the perfect place," he replied as he put an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close. Then he pressed a kiss to her hair before she grinned proudly at him.

"Indeed you have. Thank you so much, sweetheart!" I then said.

"You're welcome." she replied shyly.

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