8 Spending time

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Lily POV

Groaning, I turned to my other side as the alarm clock began to go off. I turned it off and stretched a little. Slowly my thoughts caught up with me. I wondered how I had gotten into bed last night, because the last thing I remembered was being in the living room talking to Roman.

Part of me was still waiting for him to yell at me for what I had done. But so far nothing of that sort has happened. He hadn't even blamed me, even though I more than deserved it. Maybe this was just the calm before the storm. Maybe he just needed a little more time until everything had sunk in.

Slowly I got out of bed to see if Roman was still there. But a look into the living room quickly showed me that he was not. I was a little disappointed, but I didn't know what I had expected.

Sighing, I turned around to check on Maya. Usually she was still asleep at this time. But in the last few days she had climbed out of her crib. That meant it was time for the big girl bed. Time went by so fast. My baby was growing up so darn quickly.

I quietly opened the door in case she was still asleep. But when my eyes fell on the bed, my heart dropped. She was not there. I quickly opened the door completely and was relieved. In more than one way.

He was still there. Roman was sitting asleep in a rocking chair. His head was leaning against the headrest, which was why his bun had come apart. And my... our little Maya was sitting on his lap and playing with his hair. Immediately I had to smile. It was so freaking cute.

Maya must have heard me because she turned her head in my direction and smiled at me.

"Hi Mommy." she said softly.

"Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well?" I asked her as I walked towards them both before kneeling on the floor.

"Yes... Dada sleepy." she said, pointing to the quietly snoring Roman.

"Yes, my darling. Daddy had a long day yesterday. Why don't we let him sleep some more while we freshen up?" I replied as I stood back up and held my arms out to her.

Maya let me pick her up and snuggled against me. I gave her a kiss on her hair before heading to the bathroom with her. But we hadn't even taken the first step yet, Roman started to wake up. Sleepily, he wiped his face.

"Morning." he murmured tiredly.

"Good morning. I thought you had left... Did you sleep here in the rocking chair all night?" I asked.

"Is it morning already?" he wanted to know, yawning.

"Yep..." I replied.

"Then I slept here all night." he said, then got up to stretch.

He grunted a little. I didn't even want to imagine how much his back must probably hurt.

"Are you okay?" I wanted to know.

"I'm fine... So... what are we doing today? Good morning angel." Roman replied and took a wide grinning Maya out of my arms.

"Um... well... I want to do the meal prep for the week. I have to go to the grocery store for that and then we want to buy a new bed for Maya. I don't want her to fall when she climbs out of the crib." I explained to him.

"That sounds good. I'll help you." he said to my surprise.

"Wait a minute... You're staying? I thought you were just in town temporarily for work." I replied, confused.

"That was the plan. But I changed my schedule... For obvious reasons. I told you we were going to do this right and I meant it. Alright... what do you say we freshen up and then we'll go get breakfast. Then we'll pick out a new bed for Miss Maya. Daddy will pay for it and then set it up." he said to me and then looked at the little girl.

"Roman...you don't have to turn everything upside down for us. Maybe you should take some time to process everything. I'll get it all figured out. And you need to talk to your family," I replied.

"Lily... Calm down...there's time for everything. Right now, I just want to spend time with you guys. Is that so hard to believe? I have a lot of catching up to do." he said, looking at me intently.

I swallowed and tried to suppress the tears that came to my eyes. After all, it was all my fault... that he had not experienced so much. I caused nothing but problems. Yet that was exactly what I was trying to prevent in the first place.

"Okay... I'm sorry." I whispered and then quickly left the room before he saw my tears.

I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath to calm myself down. But it was very hard for me not to let the guilt overwhelm me.

"What are we going to do with your mommy, huh?" I heard Roman ask Maya.

"Dunno..." my little one replied, and I knew exactly how she tilted her head to the side at that, looking at him with her big eyes.

"Daddy's never going away again... I promise you that, angel. And now it's time for me to spoil my girls. You can pick out anything you want and Daddy will buy it for you, okay?" I then heard Roman say.

"Okay, Dada." said Maya.


It was another damn long day, but in a way much better than yesterday and much better than I expected. And yet it was a little weird for me, since I was used to taking care of Maya by myself.

Roman was not joking when he said he would spoil us. Maya only had to look at something and it ended up in the shopping cart. She quickly noticed how Roman reacted and I had the feeling that she was taking advantage of it. She was a smart little girl.

When we were back home after a while Roman started to set up Maya's new bed while I started to cook. Normally Maya was always by my side, paying close attention to what I was doing and helping me with simple tasks now and then.

But today all her attention was on her daddy. It was really cute how she tried to help him. Again and again she handed him screws or tools. Roman was so great with her and didn't get rattled even though it probably took a lot longer with her help.

"Hey Lily, we're done!" Roman called out after a while.

I immediately went to the nursery to see how it turned out. A smile spread across my face as I saw Maya already in her bed, snuggling into the new pillows. She held Dolly, her rag doll, tightly in her arms and smiled as well.

"Wow...that looks great. Do you like it Maya? Did daddy do a good job?" I asked her.

"Very... Maya likes." she replied.

But before we could say anything, the little girl began to yawn. Apparently she wanted to break in her new bed with a nap. I couldn't blame her. I loved a good nap, too.

Roman stood next to me and put his arm around my middle. He pulled me to him while he began to caress my back. Immediately it began to tingle under my skin.

We just stood there and looked at our daughter. After a while, Roman detached himself from me before grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room.

"Did I tell you how much I missed you?" he asked me softly.

I shook my head as he came closer. Slowly, ever so slowly, he lowered his head. I could feel his breath on my face. Gently, I lifted my trembling hand and put it to his face.

"I'm not sure if this is a good idea..." I breathed weakly.

"Me neither..." he replied, but not a second later his hot, full lips were on mine.

It felt so good. Almost as if three years hadn't passed at all.

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