5 A tiny detail

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~ About 3 years later... ~

Lily POV

"Lilian Brooks, the woman that will save the day! I'm so glad you could come. I know it's last minute, but you're the only one who can replace Sara." said Julia, our editor-in-chief.

"Calm down. Now can you explain to me what it's about?" I asked as we made our way together towards the interview corner.

I really loved this job. In the last 3 years, I've built a new life for myself in this city and at this newspaper. Far away from the world I had left. Even though it wasn't easy and unforeseen things happened, I somehow managed to balance everything.

"I need you to do the interview that's scheduled for today. Since you used to work for WWE and you know your stuff, you're perfect to fill in for Sara. And you don't have to do anything but ask the questions. Sara already had everything set up." she explained.

When Julia mentioned the WWE, I felt sick to my stomach. I could only hope that it was someone I hadn't met during my time there. I was not ready or prepared for it. In no way, shape or form. But as we turned the corner and my eyes fell on the person I was about to interview, my heart sank into the pit of my stomach. It was the one person I would have loved to never see again. The one person I had been keeping a secret from. And yet, it was the person that I missed the most since I left it all behind.

"I think I'm right in assuming that you know Roman Reigns?" said Julia happily.

"Lily?" asked Roman who turned to us at the sound of Julia's voice.

He looked like he was in complete shock. He felt the same way I did. Where was the hole in the ground when you needed it?

"Yes, we know each other. Nice to see you again, Roman." I said, struggling to smile. I would have loved to run away as fast as I could.

"Wonderful. Everything is prepared. I'll let you guys get to work then. And Lilian, thanks again. You are an angel." she said and left us alone. Completely unaware of what she was actually asking of me.

"Lily... it's good to see you. So this is where you disappeared to. I always wondered if I would see you again someday." Roman said calmly and came to me.

Obviously he wanted to hug me. But I dodged him and sat down in my seat. I quickly looked over the paper with the prepared questions.

"Please Roman, let's get this over with. Today is actually my day off and I have places to be," I replied coldly, avoiding eye contact as best I could.

Roman sighed heavily and sat back in his seat. I turned on the recording and started asking the questions, not really paying attention to what I was doing. My mind was racing in all sorts of different directions.

"That's all, then. Thank you for your time. I'll have one of our assistants escort you out." I said after we finished and tried to get away from him as quickly as I could.

My throat was closing up until it was almost impossible to breathe. Don't freak out, wait until you are alone.... That's what I kept telling myself. Just a few more minutes.

But I had no luck. Roman grabbed my hand and prevented me from running away.

"Wait Lily. You still owe me an explanation. I want to know why you just quit and no one has heard from you since." Roman asked me in his deep voice. It was calm, but it was noticeable that it was boiling inside him.

"I did what I had to do, Roman. You said you respected my decision, but we both know that's not true. Had we continued to see each other... we would have always been too weak to resist temptation. I left so you wouldn't hurt your family," I explained quietly as I was already close to tears.

"I would have done anything for you, Lily. I was in love with you. When I woke up and you were gone, I felt something had changed. It broke my heart. We could have made it, but you decided against it," he said.

"I haven't decided against you, Roman! I have decided for your family, for your children. That's what love is about. Not putting your own needs first. And please believe me when I tell you that I am reminded of this every day. I have to live with this decision every day and face her," I replied.

Finally he let go of my hand. Quickly, I turned and walked away.

"What do you mean when you say you have to 'face her every day'?" asked Roman.

I stopped and slowly turned back to him. I was sure that all color had disappeared from my face. Without realizing it, a tiny detail had slipped away. And it had not escaped him.

Beautiful Mistake [a Roman Reigns story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora