I already know what distance can do

Start from the beginning

Bad flashbacks.

The flame sword.

Take out the swords first. She thought.

Anne commanded both of her swords to her, slicing the weapons with ease.

"Why are you so obsessed with your friends?" Andrias questioned, thwacking away one of the swords with his tail.

"Sasha's a good friend, and I've forgiven her." Anne started.

Sasha threw a thumbs-up at Anne, smiling at her.

"What about Marcy?" He cut her off.

"Forgiven her too. Also, she's my girlfriend, got a problem with that?" Anne questioned.

"I'm not surprised." Andrias scoffed, trying to hit her with his tail again, but missing.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Anne raised a brow, kicking the tail.

"It means now you're more fragile. If anything happens to Marcy, you're weaker." Andrias pointed out.

He has a point, Anne thought.

"If you're thinking about doing anything to my girlfriend I swear to frog-" Anne blurted.

"Nothing about her, but I have big plans for you." Andrias attacked Anne's foot, grabbing ahold of it and shaking her.

Leaves and twigs faded from Anne's head, her hair turning back to brunette.

"ANNE!" Marcy yelled, trying not to rush over.


Marcy nodded and hurried down to her partner.

"Case in point." Andrias proudly bantered.

Marcy stabbed the newt's robot covering him straight through the chest with her bare hands.

"There's a taste of your own medicine!" Marcy laughed, rushing back to Anne.

"Good job Mar-mar!" Anne croaked.

"SHE'S CONCIOUS!" Marcy announced.

"Cool!" Sasha replied, taking out another robot.

"Are you alright?" Marcy asked.

"I'm fine," She replied, hearing small bounds coming from the side of the building.

Sprig appeared, quickly moving up to his sister. "Is she going to be okay?" He questioned with a worried expression plastered over his face.

"Yeah, she's alright." Marcy smiled, looking sheen at Anne. "Can I check you for any scars?" Marcy asked politely.

"Sure." Anne consented, letting Marcy roll her body over, looking back at her when she turned her upwards.

Marcy's smile grew bigger, trying not to stare into her eyes, checking her face.

She traced a small scar she found on her neck. "You're hurt." Marcy commented.

"Really? I don't feel anything." Anne raised a brow.

"Jill and Hoyne are doctors! Sprig, can you call them over?" Marcy thought aloud.

"Sure!" Sprig yelled their names as Marcy caressed the scar. "You sure you'll be alright to keep going?" She asked, pulling her face closer.

"I'm really fine!" Anne played it off.

"Alright. I'm still going to let them attend to you though." Marcy strictly replied.

"Thank you." Anne smiled back.

"You say that too much." Marcy playfully  shrugged.

"Shhh!" Anne shushed, moving a finger up to Marcy's mouth

Marcy blushed and quickly looked away, only to see Andrias lying on a different side of the roof-

More than half robot.

"He's more Android than Andrias!" Marcy joked.

Anne chuckled looking over to the half- newt half- robot laying in front of her.

"Let's ignore that- uhh, SASHA! HOW MANY BOTS LEFT?" Marcy yelled, trying to distract herself.


Marcy and Anne looked at each other and shot up, powers in action.


now that I've made a plan to do the rest of All In and The Hardest Thing, expect MANY more chapters!

Wow this is my longest chapter-

(WORD COUNT: 1016)

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